Welcome to the Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab!

Our lab researches how people manage the intrapersonal and interpersonal challenges associated with prejudice and stereotyping in contemporary society.

One main focus for recent work has been the sources of motivation, internal and external, for responding without prejudice and the unique challenges these alternate sources of motivation create for managing the interpersonal aspects of intergroup relations.

Research Opportunities

Click here if you'd like to apply to be an undergraduate research assistant in our lab!

We are reviewing applicants for the Fall 2020 academic semester.

Benefits of Engaging in Research?

As a research assistant, you will have the opportunity to explore and identify academic and career interests related to prejudice and intergroup relations.

You can also apply classroom learning to contemporary research.

Our team-based model will allow you to work on a meaningful project with our graduate students.

Prepare for a career or graduate school.