
Books, Pamphlets and Report

BPR1. Automated library systems in Holland and Belgium: report of a study visit in January 1984

                    (British Library Research Report, No.5818).  41p. London: BLRDD, 1984

BPR2.  The State of retroconversion in the United Kingdom: a review. 30p. Bath: Centre for Catalogue

                     Research, 1987

BPR3.  The Royal Navy and the Second World War: an annotated bibliography. 305p.

                 London: Greenhill, 1988. ISBN: 1853670022.

BPR4.   Push, shove and the gift of the gab: the hidden techniques of equipment procurement.  18p.

                (CLSI Annual Lectures on Library Automation, No.5). London: CLSI Publications, 1989. 

                 ISBN: 0948488204

BPR5.    European co-operative ventures: project management issues  (Library & Information 

                      Briefings, 28).      10p.London: British Library, 1990. [with Tzekakis, M.]

BPR6.     Report on Information Technology Penetration and Co-ordination on University Campuses.

                             [As part of a working party of  five]. 36p. Durham: SCONUL/IUCC, 1992

BPR7.     The Academic library of the future: opportunities to change Japanese library management.

A multi-client study. [with a study group]. 157p.   London: British Library Consultancy

                   Services, 1993.

BPR8.     The Battle of the Atlantic: 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings.  639p.

                     London: Greenhill, 1994.  [with Howarth, S]. ISBN: 1853671908.

BPR9.      Networking and the future of libraries: managing the intellectual record. 212p. London:

                    LA Publishing, 1995. [with  Dempsey, L. and Mowat, I.]

BPR10.    Managing Information.162p.Buckingham: Open University, 2000 [with Elkin, J.]

                            ISBN: 0335203396.

                     - published in a Chinese translation Beijing: McGraw Hill Education Asia, 2010. 

ISBN: 9787534390920.

BPR11.    The Royal Navy in World War Two: an annotated bibliography.  2nd ed. 680p. 

                       Metuchen: Scarecrow, 2003. ISBN: 978-0810845343

BPR12.     Digital Libraries: policy, planning and practice. London: Ashgate, 2004 [with Andrews, J.].

 ISBN: 0754634485.

BPR13.      ELISO: an electronic library and information service for the University of Oxford 

                      (with Collier, M.)                       (London: Electronic Publishing Services Ltd., 2005).

BPR14.       Emergent Digital Practices: Essays in Honour of Patricia Manson. 

                     Liber Quarterly Volume 26 (4), 2017 [with Ross, Seamus]

BPR15. The Indian Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic in World War 2. (Glasgow: Colourful Heritage,                           2021) 

BPR16. The Baltic Cauldron (edited with Ellis, Mike & van Hofsten, Gustav) Dunbeath: Whittles, 2023.

 ISBN: 9781849955492 

Book Chapters

BC1.        Doctors and books in Baker, D.: Student reading needs in higher education. London: Library

                          Association Publishing, 1986. pp88-98. ISBN: 0853659265

BC2.        Archives, libraries and information services. in Martyn, John et al.: Information UK 2000.

                          London: Bowker-Saur, 1990. pp89-98. ISBN: 0862916208.

BC3.       The Organization of collection management in academic libraries. in Jenkins, C & Morley, M.:

                Collection management in academic libraries. London: Gower, 1991. pp1-20.

                ISBN: 0566036355

BC4.      Library developments in Western Europe.                        38th Bowker Annual (1993). pp113-116

BC5.     Les Bibliotheques universitaires du Royaume-Uni in Renoult, D.: Les Bibliotheques dans

                   l’Universite.         Paris:Cercle de la Librairie, 1994. pp299-307. ISBN: 2765405484

BC6.     Higher Education Libraries: Current Issues in Grieves, M. Information Policy in the Electronic

                    Age.          London: Bowker  Saur, 1998. pp235-252 [reprinted 2010]

BC7.      A MAN for all reasons? in Pugh, L. et al.  Delivering the electronic library: an Ariadne reader.

                     Dundee: Ariadne Project, 1999. pp73-76      [reprint of Publication A16]

BC8.     Convergence of academic support services in Hanson, T. & Day, J.  Managing the Electronic

                Library: a practical guide for information professionals.  London: Bowker Saur, 1998.  pp49-62

BC9.       The Organization of collection management in academic libraries. in Jenkins, C & Morley, M.

                Collection management in academic libraries.2nd ed. London: Gower, 1999  pp15-38

                ISBN: 0566081164

BC10.      Intellectual Property Rights in Managing Information. Elkin, J. & Law, D. Buckingham:

                Open University Press, 2000. pp109-122. ISBN: 033520340X.

BC11.    Managing information: future perfect or past imperfect? in Managing Information.

                Elkin, J. & Law, D. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000. pp146-152. ISBN: 033520340X.

BC12.   e-cooperation in Kenna, S., & Pilling, S.  Co-operation in action. London: Facet, 2002 pp109-20

               ISBN: 1856044246

BC13.    Developments in Information Technology, Networks and Services in McElroy, R. in

                Advocating Libraries: Essays in Honour of Robert Craig. Hamilton: CILIPS, 2002. 

                  ISBN: 095411602X. pp65-76.

BC14.      Case Study: The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow [with Thornbury, H. & Henderson, B.] in

                Brown, David. Ubiquitous Computing. Bolton, Mass: Anker, 2003. pp71-87.

BC15.      Content issues for digital libraries in Andrews, J. & Law, D. Digital Libraries: policy,

                 planning and practice.  London: Ashgate, 2004. ISBN: 0754634485.

BC16.      Bibliographes spécialisés et bibliothécaires de référence: questions actuelles au 

                  Royaume-Uni. In Calenge, Bernard. Bibliothecaires,quelle profession?  

                  Editions Cercle de la Librairie, 2004.

BC17.        The History and Practice of Convergence at the University of Strathclyde in Hanson, T.

                      Converged Service. London: Bowker Saur, 2005

BC18.       Open Access: national policy initiatives as an alternative to personal commitment. 

                     in Sica, George,    Open Access: Open Problems. Monza: Polimetrica, 2006.

BC19.       Beyond the hybrid library: Libraries in a Web 2.0 World  in  Earnshaw, Rae  Digital

                 Convergence – Libraries of the Future [A Festschrift for Reg Carr] Berlin: Springer, 2007. 

                    ISBN: 1846289025

BC20.    Digital library economics: aspects and prospects in Baker, D. & Evans, W. Digital Library 

                     Economics   Cambridge: Chandos, 2009. ISBN: 1843344033

BC21.         The Changing Roles and Identities of Library and Information Services Staff 

                     in Gordon, G. & Whitchurch, C.  Academic and Professional Identities in a Diversifying Higher

                     Education Workforce: Challenges  for Human Resource Management

                     New York: Routledge, 2010. pp185-198. ISBN: 9780415990905.

BC22.          Digital Libraries in Higher Education in Collier, M. Business Models for Digital Libraries.

                 Leuven: University of Leuven Press, 2010. ISBN: 9789058678379. pp33-44.

BC23.          Waiting for the Barbarians: seeking solutions or awaiting answers?  in McKnight, Sue 

                       Envisioning Future Academic Library ServicesLondon:Facet, 2010. 

                       ISBN: 1856046915.pp.1-14

BC24.          Sink or swim: digital dilemma in higher education in Winzenreid, A. Visionary Leaders for 

                        Education. Wagga Wagga, Centre for Information Studies,  2010. ISBN: 9781876938857.

BC25.      Library Landscapes: digital developments in Baker, David & Evans, Wendy 

                      Libraries and Society: Role, Social Responsibility and Future Challenges. 

                       Cambridge: Chandos, 2011. pp361-78. ISBN: 9781843341314.

BC26.       User Studies in Libraries in Dobreva, M. et al.  User Studies for Digital Library Development

                London: Facet, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-85604-765-4. pp191-198.

BC27.       The Universal Library: Realising Panizzi's Dream  in  Baker, David and Evans, Wendy: 

                      A Handbook of Digital Library Economics. Oxford: Chandos, 2013. 

                      ISBN: 9781843346203. pp233-246

BC28.      Capacity and Capability: How can Library and Information Ser vices make sure they succeed?

                  in Baker, D, & Evans, W. Innovation in Libraries and Information Services 

                  (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 35, 2016)

BC29. Preface in Harling, Robert. The Steep Atlantick Stream. Barnsley: Seaforth, 2022

 ISBN: 9781399072885 

BC30. From Goa and Gujarat to Greenock: the Sinking of the SS City of Benares in Scotland's Lascar

 Heritage: Investigating the Lives of South Asian Mariners Glasgow: Glasgow Museums

 Publishing, 2023. ISBN:978-1-908-638458.  pp.65-69


Refereed Articles

RA1.      UAP and decentralised university library systems. 46th IFLA General Conference Proceedings,

                1980            Paper 4/UN/3E         18p.

RA2.         Acquisitions and their processing in Edinburgh University Library: results of a survey.           

                Aslib Proceedings    32,(1980), pp459-467

RA3.        Dutch and Belgian library automation: a compendium.                     Vine  53(1984),  pp38-43

RA4.        Czechoslovak medical libraries                                                  Libri    34(1984), pp289-295

RA5.     The state of retrospective conversion in the UK: a review      

                Journal of Librarianship     20 (1988), pp81-93

RA6.        Education needs for the 1990’s.                                      Catalogue & Index   94(1989), pp1-7

RA7.        Guidelines for retroconversion projects.[with Bossers,A.]          IFLA Journal 16(1990), pp32-36

RA8        Networking and issues of retroconversion.                               IFLA Journal 16(1990), pp52-54

RA9        The Plan of action for libraries: an EC initiative.                        Computer Networks and ISDN

                 Systems 19(1990), pp339-342

RA10       Resourcing the information explosion.              ERLC: the LIBER Quarterly  1, (1991), pp121-130

RA11         -   reprinted in Cadernos BAD (1992) pp61-72

RA12    The European Community of information.  British Journal of Academic Librarianship   

                7, (1992) pp137-148

RA13      Health Science Libraries: the challenge of the future                              Inspel   27,(1993) pp5-12 

RA14     Electronic information: access, control and availability.                          Serials 6,(1993) pp67-72

RA15          Beyond CD-ROM: wider horizons in the provision of electronic information        

                   Health Libraries Review 11, (1994) pp52-56

RA16          The development of a national policy for dataset provision in the UK: a historical

                      perspective.               Journal of Information Networking     1,(1995) pp103-116

RA17          The Role of academic libraries in the scientific information system.  

                Learned Publishing  7, (1994) pp159-162

RA18          Research Assessment Exercise 1992; Library and Information Management and

                     Communications and Media Studies Panel.     [with Elkin, J.]

                Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 26, (1994) pp141-147

RA19.     And another thing....Dress codes for book people. [with Chapman, L].  Logos 5,(1994) pp105-9

RA20   The electronic message to scholarly publishers: adapt or obsolesce.        Logos 6,(1995) pp67-72

RA21      L’utente liberato:problemi di pianificazione dei servizi nazionali d’informazione   

                Bolletino  AIB 35, (1995) pp9-20

RA22.     The networked environment and the challenge of change. Bulletin of the Medical Library

            Association  84 (1996) pp96-99

RA23.          Les Bibliotheques universitaires Brittaniques et le rapport Follett.  

                Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 41, (1996) pp 58-62.

RA24.          The use of an algorithmic approach for the assessment of research quality.

                 [with Hodges, S. et al].                                 Scientometrics 35, (1996) pp 3-13 

RA25.          National Library Initiatives: the UK Higher Education Experience.  

                Journal of Academic Librarianship 23,(1997) pp 127-131.

RA26.          The 1996 Research Assessment Exercise; the Library and Information Management Panel.

               [with Elkin J.]            Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 29,(1997) pp131-141.

RA27.   Digital Library Developments, a realistic future. [with Brindley, L.] INSPEL 31, (1997) pp.195-203

RA28.     The Provision of Electronic Information Services and Higher Education Information Policy:

                  the U.K. Experience. in  Mittler, E.  Developing the Digital Library.          

                 Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis (1998)pp78-80

RA29.          Death of a Salesman:  the demise of serials agents. [with Chapman, L.]

                  Against the Grain (1998) pp22-28

RA30.          Metropolitan Area Networks and the future of networking in the UK     

            Advances in Librarianship 22, (1998) pp77-85

RA31.          Access to the world’s literature: the global strategy [Festschrift for Henry Heaney].

            Library Review  47, (1998) pp296-300

RA32.     The British Library and the impact of research. Information Services & Use 19, (1999) pp127-34

RA33.     Scholarly communication in an electronic environment: problems and challenges.

                         Alexandria 11 (1999) pp135-142

RA34.          The electronic library: a review.  [with Joint, N.]               Library Review 49, (2000) pp428-435

RA35.          Information Policy for a new millennium.  [4th Epixtech Annual Lecture]    

                     Library Review 49, (2000) pp322-330

RA36.     Regional and cross-sectoral approaches to library provision.            Serials 13 (2000) pp157-60

RA37.     Universities and article copyright [with Weedon, R.]        Learned Publishing (2000) pp141-150

RA38.          A Policy Context – e-Lib and the emergence of subject gateways Ariadne 25 (2000) 5pp.


RA39.          Digital Scotland, the relevance of library research and the Glasgow Digital Library 

                [with Nicholson, D.]    Program 35, (2001) pp1-14

RA40.          Whole Environment Research on distributed and collaborative digital and non-digital

                networked libraries in Scotland [with Nicholson, D. & Dunsire, G.] 

                Bibliotheck Forschung und Praxis 26, (2002) pp113-123

RA41.      Developing a National Information Strategy in Scotland [with G. Macgregor, 

                 E.McCulloch & J. Wallis]

               Cadernos de Biblioteconomia, Arquivística e Documentação, No.1, 2005, pp.49-53

RA42.   Bridging the Digital Divide: a review of current progress.        

                  Library Management 25 (2004) pp17-21

RA43.       Tilting at windmills: BLDSC and the UK Higher Education community. Interlending & 

                          Document Supply 33(2005) pp85-89

RA44.       SUNCAT Rising: the development of a national union catalogue of serials 

                     [with Burnhill, Peter]               Interlending & Document Supply 33 pp.203-207 (2005)

RA45.          Remembering History: the work of the Information Services Sub-Committee of the

                Joint Information Services Committee in the UK. Program, 40 (2006) pp.315-324

RA46.          An Awfully Big Adventure: Strathclyde’s Digital Library Plan  Ariadne 58 (2009) 5pp.


RA47.         -    Reprinted in Access : Asia’s Newspaper on Electronic Information Products and Services  

                        No 70, September 2009       


RA48.          Academic Digital Libraries of the Future: an environment scan.

                      New Review of Academic Librarianship 15 (2009) pp.53-67

RA49.    Antediluvian Libraries and the Flood: Surviving the Flood Uncommon Culture 2 (1) 9pp


RA50.      ‘Don't give me passion, give me cataloguers’: Lynne Brindley and the Art of the Possible 

                          Alexandria 23 (3), 2012 pp95-102

RA51.      From coal mining to data mining: Libraries after technology replaces colliers. 

                          Bladen Voor Documentatie 67 (3), 2013 pp. 12-17

RA52.     The World is Our Lobster: Rethinking Traditional Attitudes.    

                          New Library World, 115 (5/6)) 2014, pp200-210  

RA53.     From Plimsoll Line to triple bottom line: adding value through partnership. 

                          The Bottom Line.  28 (1/2), 2015, pp. 44 - 51    

RA54.     The International Collaborations of Shane Godbolt: EAHIL, ICML and irish health 

                     sciences libraries [with Beatrice Doran]

                                Health Information and Libraries Journal. 37 (Issue 51) 2020, pp31-35.


RA55. The Royal Indian Navy and the Battle of the Atlantic. Sagardhara 1/21-22 pp3-9 (2021)


Refereed Conference proceedings

RCP1.          Co-operation and the future of national networks. in Horsnell, V.: Mechanisms for library co-operation: getting our act together.

                    Proceedings of the 13th Annual Seminar of the MARC User Group.  London: Gower, 1988. pp133-152. ISBN: 0566057573

RCP2.          The Impact of CD-Rom on the end-user. 56th IFLA General Conference Proceedings Stockholm, 1990. 12p.

RCP3.          European research networks in Blake, M.: The Common Market for Information. London: Taylor Graham, 1992. p44-58.

                    ISBN: 0947568565

RCP4.      Empowering the end-user: networked services and national information policy”, in Geh, H-P. and Walckiers, M. (Eds.),

                Library networking in Europe, 12-14 October 1994, Brussels, TFPL, London,  pp. 219-225.

RCP5.          The impact of nationally funded services on teaching and learning. 1995 SRHE Conference Proceedings. London: SRHE, 1995.

RCP6.          National Library Initiatives:  the UK Higher Education Experience. in Neubauer, K.

               Elektronisches Publizieeren und Bibliotheken. Frankfurt: Klostermann,1996. pp143-54

RCP7.          Electronic data archiving and access in Shaw D. & Moore H.  Electronic publishing in science.

                Paris: UNESCO/ICSU, 1996. pp117-121

RCP8.          Funding the digital library:  the British experience in Reconnecting Science and Humanities in The

                Digital Library.Kentucky Conference London: British Library; Lexington: Kentucky U.P., 1996.

RCP9.          The Future of Medical Informatics. Proceedings of the 3rd CRICS Conference. BIREME: Rio de

                Janeiro, 1996.

RCP10.          A New Professionalism for the Electronic Age?  [with McSean, T.] in Bakker, S.

                Health information management: what strategies? Proceedings of the 5th EAHIL Conference,

                Coimbra, 1996. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997 

RCP11.          Bridges to the past – gateways to the future in Moshoeshoe-Chadzingwa, M.  Libraries and

                Information Services in the twenty-first century and beyond. Proceedings of the Twelfth SCECSAL

                Conference, Maseru, 1996. Maseru: Lesotho Library Association, 1998. [keynote address]pp1-10  ISBN: 99911-631-0-9

RCP12.          Parlour Games:  the real nature of the Internet.                         Serials 10, (1997) pp. 195-201

RCP13.          Access versus holdings: the paradox of the Internet  in Nikolau, C. & Stephanides, C. Research and

                advanced technology for digital libraries. 2nd European Conference ECDL, 1998 (Lecture Notes

                in Computer Science, 1513). Berlin: Springer, 1998. pp753-75. ISBN: 978-3-319-07853-3.

RCP14.          Resource sharing and hybrid libraries: the MALIBU Project in Proceedings of the International

                Conference on New Missions of Academic Libraries in the 21st Century.  Beijing:

                Beijing U. P., 1998. pp253-257. ISBN: 9787301038598.

RCP15.      The Role of libraries within the economics of information in New Book Economy: Laboratory of

                Future Communication. International Conference Proceedings. Berlin: IBA, 1999.

RCP16.      The Mickey Mouse World of Humanities Scholarship in Deegan, M. & Short, H. Proceedings

                of Digital Resources in the Humanities 99. London: Office for Humanities Communication, 2000

RCP17.   Building the Glasgow Digital Library and its components. in Knowledge Navigation and Library 

             Services: Proceedings of the First Shanghai International Library Forum, 15-18 Jul 2002,

             Shanghai, China.

RCP18.      Research, relativity and relevance: can universal truths answer local questions? In Bothma, T.

              & Kaniki, A. Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa: Proceedings of the

              Third Biennial DISSANET Conference. Pretoria: Infuse, 2004. [keynote address. pp1-10]

RCP19.      Making science count: Open Access and its impact on the visibility of science in: Institutional

              Archives for research. Experiences and projects in open Access. Proceedings. Rome

              Nov. 30 - Dec 1, 2006. Rapporti ISTISAN 07/12 pp6-14. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome.


RCP20.      Blessed are the Cheesemakers: Evidence based policy versus the oral tradition.

               Library and Information Research Volume 31, Number 97 (2007). pp4-13

RCP21.      Counter Culture: reshaping libraries. Legal Information Management Volume 8 (2008). Pp11-17


A1.      Moves in the right direction?                              SLA News  125,(1975), pp211-215                          

          A2.        Recon and REMARC at Edinburgh University    Vine Volume 13 (3) 1983 pp 13 -18

A3.    Academic library book purchasing. UCPPC Conference: selected papers                      (1986) 6p.

A4.      Mergers and collaboration                                                  Libraries Bulletin    36, (1986), pp6-15

A5.      Publisher’s pricing policies and library attitudes.                Learned Publishing 3,(1990) pp73-76

A6.      The Art of the possible.                                                      LAITG News    18,(1989), pp12-21

A7.      Is CD-Rom a transient technology? [with T. McSean]. Library Association Record  92, pp339-342  

A8.      Diary of a revolution                             University of Edinburgh Journal     35, (1992) pp155-159

A9.      -   reprinted in Newsletter of the IFLA Section of Biological and Medical Sciences Libraries   

                    12, (1992) No.4 pp4-9

A10.      The Libraries Programme of the European Community. Issues in Science and

                Technology Librarianship: Electronic Communications.  No 4, (1992) lines 167-334

A11.      Libraries Work Programme 1994-98: Discussion Document European Commission DGXIII/E-3.[

                  with L.Dempsey and G.M.Owen]                                   LIBER Quarterly  4, (1994) pp96-111 

A12.      A MAN for all reasons?      Ariadne  Issue 2, (1996)pp 6-7

A13.      An apology of a life. [Presidential Address]                              Scottish Libraries 17 (2002), 7-11

A14.      Shooting the pianist: a review of the RSLG Report

                 New Review of Academic Librarianship 8, (2002) pp167-174

A15.      Simplifying Access to Electronic Resources: the changing model of information provision.

                 British Computer Society Review 2004 (November 2003) pp2-47

   A16.   Delivering Open Access: From Promise to Practice. Ariadne Issue 46 (2006)


         A17.   Back to basics: A-literacy, the Boolean gene, convergence and the long tail.

                        The Electronic  Library, 24 (2006). pp. 729-731

   A18.   A Backwards Look at the Future. Journal of the European Association for  Health Information

                   and Libraries 4 (2008) pp10-13 [with L. Lisgarten & T. McSean]

  A19. Editor's Introduction. New Review of Information Networking, 14 (2008), no.1 pp. 1-2


Conference Proceedings, Papers and on-line lectures

CP1.      Managing a stock disposal programme in Guild, J.R.: Methods of exchange and disposal of stock.

                Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Library, 1983. pp4-20

CP2.     Talk to UCP Conference, Oxford, 1985                       London, Publishers Association, 1985

CP3.      Modern health sciences libraries at the crossroads   in   Medical Libraries - Keys to health

               information. in Proceedings of the 6ICML. New Delhi: Medical Library Association of

                India, 1990.  pp15-19

CP4.      CEC Plan of action for libraries: project planning and implementation in Liebaars, H. & Walckiers, M.:

                Library automation and networking: new tools for a new identity.  Munich: Saur, 1991.  pp70-75

                Reprinted by De Gruyter in 2017, ISBN: 978-3598109355

CP5.      Creative accounting: funding electronic resources. in  Armstrong, C.J. & Hartley, R.J.:

                Online information retrieval today and tomorrow. Oxford: Learned Information, 1991. pp85-94. ISBN: 0904933776.

CP6.      The Social role of information. in Dudley, Edward et al. (eds.)The Economics of Library and Information Services:

                an Anglo-German perspective.  Proceedings of the Anglo-German Information Conference, Cambridge, 1990.

                London: Anglo-German Foundation, 1991. pp296-306 ISBN 0905492714

CP7.      Canales de comunicacion internos y externos in Seminario Hispano-Britanico sobre

                co-operacion e informatizacion bibliotecaria. Madrid:Ministerio de Cultura,1991.pp101-14. ISBN: 8474836840

CP8.      European research contracts.                                               UC&R Newsletter    37,(1992)  pp5-10

CP9.      Information strategies for universities in Smith, R.F.: Proceedings of the [IUCC] Management

                Conference held at the University of York. Durham: IUCC, 1992. pp6-19

CP10.      Information management and the future of libraries in Informacao - Ciencia - Cultura: bibliotecas e

                arquivos para o Ano 2000. Braga: BAD, 1992. pp76-85   

CP11.      What forms will co-operation take? in Smith, J.: Networking and the future of libraries.  

                London:  Meckler, 1993. pp110-19. ISBN: 0887368638    

CP12.      The development of a national datasets policy in Bakker, S & Cleland, M.:  Information transfer: new

                age-new ways. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. pp245-249. ISBN: 0792322142.

CP13.      Buying databases: many problems, many solutions policy [with T. McSean] in Bakker, S &

                Cleland, M.:  Information transfer: new age-new ways. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. pp273-276. ISBN: 0792322142. 

CP14.      Gates to the glorious in Making the connection: the electronic frontier. Information Online & On

                Disc 93. Sydney: Australian Library Association, 1993. 12pp

CP15.      Information services and datasets: how the community chooses. Proceedings of the JANET User

                Support Workshop Manchester Metropolitan University 14-16 September 1993. Didcot: UKERNA,

                1993. pp35-44

CP16.      Changing roles in the Information chain: a Librarian's perspective                              

                  INSPEL 27 (3) PP.162-167, 1993

CP17.       The Impact of datasets and other JISC funded services    Distributed Information:

                    UCTLIG ‘94 Conference Proceedings.  Manchester: UCISA, 1994.   7pp

CP18.      The Liberated End-User: Issues in planning National Information Services in Seminario

            Internacional sobre os Desafios da Era da Informacao: Agentes e Usarios.

            Sao Paolo: BIREME, 1994. 10pp

CP19.      In praise of the nanny in Information Management and Management Information:

            Proceedings of the JISC Conference.   Stirling: University of Stirling, 1994     8pp

CP20.      Fine nets and stratagems: information strategies and the political process  in Proceedings

              of the Ninth Annual Computers in Libraries Conference. Oxford: Learned Information, 1995.

              pp109-12. ISBN: 0904933911.

CP21.      How microwaved is your poodle?                                              CIG Newsletter 114, (1995) pp1-6

CP22.      Empowering the end user: networked services and national information policy in Geh, H.P.

            & Walckiers, M. Library Networking in Europe.  London: TFPL, 1995. pp219-226

CP23.      The inexorable sadness of pencils in Mitchell, D.J.D. Oxford '94: Further Education Libraries in the Twenty-First

            Century. Papers presented at the CoFHE Jubilee Study Conference held in St John's College, Oxford,

            28th-30th March 1994 [keynote address]. London: CoFHE, 1995. pp5-14. ISBN: 1869977149

CP24.      National planning of networked services for libraries  in  Proceedings of the EAHIL

                Symposium on Cooperation of Medical Libraries. Prague: National Medical Library, 1995. pp20-27

CP25.      Stone walls do not a prison make in Dempsey, L. et al.   Networking and the future of libraries. 

                 London: LA Publishing , 1995.  pp192-197. ISBN: 1 85604 158 1.

CP26.      Cross-sectoral cooperative models in Regional Library Development – Where Next? Proceedings of

              the Regional Issues Seminar. London: Department of National Heritage, 1996. ISBN: 1873753071

CP27.      The Sound of one hand clapping:  are Publisher’s Deaf to User Needs in  Online information 96: 20th

                International Online Information Meeting : proceedings : London 3-5 December 1996

                Oxford: Learned Information, 1996. ISBN: 1900871041

CP28.      Self Service – is it the future or is it a fallacy? in McDonald, A. & Stafford J.   Self Service in

                Academic Libraries.  Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press, 1997.  pp165-172. ISBN: 0907679943.

CP29.      Net-knitting: the library paradigm and the new environment  in  Bakker, S.  Libraries without limits:

            changing needs, changing roles. Proceedings of the EAHIL Conference, Utrecht, 1998. 

            Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999  pp99-104

CP30.      Disaster and after: an introduction in Sturges, Paul  & Rosenberg, Diana   Disaster and after: the

            practicalities of information services in times of war and other catastrophes. London: Taylor

            Graham, 1999. pp3-9

CP31.      National, sectoral and regional grids: options for cross-sectoral links in Arthur, Rhona 

            The Inclusive Society:  Proceedings of the 84th Annual Conference of the Scottish Library

            Association. Hamilton: Scottish Library Association, 1999. pp48-53

CP32.      Mapping the future of research libraries. in Sabovic, Z. & Pearson, D.A. Healthy heritage:

            collecting for the future of medical history. London: Wellcome Trust, 1999.  pp49-52 . 

            Also at

CP33.      Working together: Covering the Nation’s Resources. Keynote Address.London: British Library, 1999. 

CP34.      Global Standards: International Policy and Practice in Proceedings of the Digital Asset

             Management III Conference. The Art and Commerce of Digital Media.  


CP35.      Local networks, global reach. in Macdonald, A. & Edwards, V.  Widening participation through

            the University for Industry: how libraries support lifelong learning: proceedings of a conference held at

            St. Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland, 9 December 1998. Sunderland: University of

            Sunderland Press, 2000. ISBN: 1873757336

CP36.      Information filtering and information brokering: revisiting the role of the Librarian. In: 5º Congresso

            Regional de Informaçäo em Ciências da Saúde; 2001, Havana. Anais.eletrônicos. São Paulo:

            BIREME; 2001 [citado 2004 Jun 17]. Disponível em:


 CP37.      The Library in the Market: information arbitrage as the new face of an old service.

                IATUL Proceedings Vol 11 (New Series) 2001. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 2002.

CP38.      How Electronic Publishing Adds Value Across All of Science. Elsevier Science Editors  

                   Conference, 10th November 2001, Lisbon. London: Elsevier, 2001

 CP39.      Electrical storms: electronic information management issues and their impact on libraries. in

                Winds of Change: Libraries in the 21st Century, LIANZA Conference 2002, Wellington,

                New Zealand. Wellington: LIANZA, 2002.

CP40.      Are Librarians still under pressure? How to deal with it? Policies at national, institutional and individual level in Knowing to decide: Scientific and technical information for health decisions. 6th Regional Conference for Information in Health Sciences. BIREME: Sao Paolo, 2003

CP41.      Lightning Rod or Seismograph? The Acid Test for Librarians. 

in Renwick, Shamin & Kochhar, Jaishree  Electronic Information Resources in the Caribbean: Trends and Issues. Proceedings of the ACURIL XXXIV Conference held in Trinidad and Tobago May 23-29, 2004. St Augustine, Trinidad: University of the West Indies, 2005.  ISBN: 976873912.  [includes CD]

CP42.      Wonders Never Cease .The Global Information Society: myth or reality.   

                 3rd Celtic Connections Conference Information Scotland, 4 (3). pp. 12-13 2006

Proceedings of the conference published by Scottish Library Association. ISBN: 0900649968

CP43.     “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.”  77th IFLA Conference Puerto Rico, 2011

CP44.   Law, D. (2012), "Libraries in a digital age: fundamentals and latest thinking - an introduction", in

              Law, D. (ed.), Libraries in a Digital Age: Fundamentals and latest thinking, The Marketing & 

              Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London 

                (online at

CP45.  Hyde Park Debate. The Traditional Research Library is Dead. Record of a Debate held at the Charleston Conference in November 2012. pp80-87. in Accentuate the Positive: Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2012 by Beth R. Bernhardt (Editor), Leah H. Hinds (Editor). Purdue University Press, 2013.ISBN-13: 978-0983404354

CP46. Hyde Park Debate: Resolved: Metrics are Over-rated.  in Where Do We Go From Here? (Charleston Conference Proceedings) by Beth R. Bernhardt (Editor), Leah H. Hinds (Editor), Katina P. Strauch (Editor) Purdue University Press, 2016.

            ISBN: 978-1941269060 pp30-35

CP47. End of Conference Poll-a-Palooza: Wrap-Up. in Where Do We Go From Here? (Charleston Conference Proceedings) by Beth R. Bernhardt (Editor), Leah H. Hinds (Editor), Katina P. Strauch (Editor) Purdue University Press, 2016.

            ISBN: 978-1941269060 pp 95-104


N0.     Unknown article in Technology Innovation and Society. Winter 1994/95

N1.        The Bibliography of James Hogg: five unrecorded items.      The Bibliotheck   7, (1974) pp79-80

N2.      Accessions list on-line at Edinburgh University Library.                        Vine  no45, (1982) pp29-32

N3.      A Library accounts package for micros.                                                   Vine  no45, (1982) pp49-50

N4.      The Erskine Medical Library                                        Edinburgh Medicine  no21, (1983) pp18-19

N5.      Eighteenth Century Edinburgh Medicine: James Graham.    Edinburgh Medicine no26, (1984) pp15-17

N6.      Twentieth Century Edinburgh Medicine:Harcus Strachan VC 

                    Edinburgh Medicine no29, (1984) pp18-19

N7.      Simple buying, more books.                                        The Bookseller    Jan 18, (1986) pp261-262

N8.      The Imperatives of retroconversion.                      Outlook on Research Libraries 7, (1986) pp1-3

N9.      Don’s Diary                                                                   Times Higher Education Supplement (1988)

N10.      The International scene in Biological and Medical Science Libraries.   

                MLA Bulletin  78, (1990) pp337-338

N11.      CD-Rom: a young technology with a great future behind it?                 Serials  3, (1988)pp34-35

N12.      The Impact of CD-Rom on the end-user. International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control  

                 20,  (1988) pp7-9

N13.      Experiences with CD-ROM in SCIL ’89: International Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference

                 of Small Computers in Libraries. London: Meckler, 1989. pp108-110. ISBN: 0887364772

N14.      Opinion piece.                                                                            CTI Newsletter 2, (1991)p.2

N15.      Lecture to the ISC Forum.                                                           JUGL Newsletter  4, (1991)pp4-7

N16.      Databases free at the point of use [guest editorial].    Health Libraries Review  8, (1991) pp61-62

         N17.   Collection management-chore or necessity              National Acquisitions Group Newsletter (1991)

         N18.   European Research Networks                                                       Library Work 18 (1992), pp8-11

N19.      A personal view of Europe.                                                   Dawson Newsletter    4,(1992)  pp1-2

N20.      Personal power: changing markets.                               Elsevier Science World Bulletin (1992) p7

N21.      Can the virtual library become a reality?  [guest editorial]    Computer Bulletin    4, (1992) pp2-3

N22.      -   reprinted in                                                                                   BJL News 34, (1992) pp4-5

N24.      A CHEST revolution.                                                                             Interface    2, (1992) pp1-2

N25.      Opening up the networks.                                                 Library Association Record,  (1993) p93

N26.      Academic library trends in the United Kingdom.                           Academia     2, (1994) pp24-25

N27.      Making money - forget it!      [with Mendelsohn, S.]                 Library Manager 1, (1994) pp6-8

N28.      The Follett Report: panacea or placebo?                                                     Relay  40, (1994) pp3-4

N29.      Libraries and Learning Technology.                                                            ALT-N 7, (1994) pp4-6

N30.      The Distributed national electronic collection.                              Assignation 12, (1995) pp19-20

N31.      Organising the free for all system                                           Times Higher Education Supplement

              Multimedia Section, 1162, 10 Feb (1995) ppvi-vii

N32.      ISSC - Spider or Fly?  in  World-Wide Web - A strategic tool for UK Higher Education:

               Workshop Report                                                                              Sima Report, 12 (1995)   

N33.      Game, dataset and match.      Times Higher Education Supplement Multimedia Section,

               1184, 14 July (1995) p.iii

N34.      The JISC and network planning in Wood, S.  JANET User Support Workshop Proceedings,

                Glasgow 1995. Didcot: UKERNA, 1995.

N35.      Staying at the leading edge                                LA Record Year in Review Supplement 1995 p.15

N36.      Purchasing Library Services: the View from Higher Education  in  Education Consortia and Library

                 Services: Vision and Reality.  London: North Thames Regional Health Authority, 1995  4pp

N37.      Summing-up             Proceedings of the JANET User Support Workshop, University of Glasgow,

                 12th-14th September 1995. Didcot: UKERNA, 1995. pp143-154

N38.      Atque et Valeque: a review of ISSC’s Work                                        JISC News No.1 (1996) p.6

N39.      A New modus operandi                                          The Bookseller 22nd November 1996 pp28-29

N40.    L'Internet, ses utilisateurs et les projets nationaux Bulletin d'Information de l'Association des

            Bibliothecaires Francaise No 170 (1996) pp54-56

N41.      Co-operative purchasing: how much does it increase costs? in Managing the Market Place: 

                 Libraries and Procurement, Professions in Partnership.  Manchester: UMIST,1997. 3pp.

N42.      Integratie van rekencentrum en universiteitsbibliotheek in WTR-Seminar 18 September 1997: 

                 De relatie tussen UB en RC. [keynote address]. Utrecht: Stichting Surf, 1997. 8pp

N43.      Ah well! I am their leader, I must follow them’ [Guest Editorial] Alexandria 12, (2000)pp67-69

N44.      Cross-sectoral co-operation and networks in the UK.  [Guest Editorial]

            Health Libraries Review 15, (1998)  pp77-79

N45.      John Roland Grimshaw, MBE. Graduation Oration. Glasgow: Strathclyde University, 2001. 3pp

N46.      IFLA 2002.                       Impact: Journal of the Career Development Group  4, (2001) 110-111

N47.   Letter re article "Universities and Article Copyright" (with M.R. Sheen and R.L.Weedon]

            Learned Publishing Vol.14, p239-40

N48.      Presidential column Scottish Libraries (2002) 5 short columns on current professional matters

            Column 1    Column 2    Column 3    Column 4    Column 5

         N49.   Foreword to  McElroy, R. Advocating Libraries:Essays in Honour of Robert Craig.

                        Hamilton: CILIPS, 2002. pp65-76. ISBN: 095411602X. pp11-12.

         N50.    Hybrid Libraries in Feather, J. & Sturges, P. International Encyclopaedia of Information and

                        Library Science 2nd ed. Routledge, 2003. pp230-231. ISBN: 0415862906

         N51.    The eIFL Project: Sustainable Delivery of Electronic Information to Libraries in Developing Countries. D-Lib Magazine

                        November 2003, Volume 9 Number 11. ISSN 1082-9873.  (

N52.      Open Access in Scotland: Punching above our weight? The Scottish Scene WIDWISAWN 2(4) 2004


N53.   Dr Vivienne Nathanson. Graduation Oration. 3pp. Glasgow: Strathclyde University, 2004    

N54.   The Rt. Hon. Sir Menzies Campbell, MP. Graduation Oration. 3pp. Glasgow:

                  Strathclyde University, 2005

N55.      Professor Melvyn Collier. Graduation Oration. 3pp. Glasgow: Strathclyde University, 2006

N56.      A New Era of CILIP Governance: ‘by the people’. Library+Information Update. 5 (2007) pp26-27

N57.   Review of the Year in Academic Libraries. Library+Information Update 12 (2007) p.10

N58. Thoughts and Memories, pp.65-66 in Prayers and Pancakes for Malawi by Annette Morrison & Georgie Macmillan

            [privately published, 2007] ISBN: 9780947649654.

N59.      Eddi Reader. Graduation Oration. 4pp. Glasgow: Strathclyde University, 2007.

            Part 1: 

            Part 2:

N60.      Counter Culture: Reshaping Libraries. Open Access: A Newsletter from the West Midland

                  Branch of CILIP  51 No 4 (2008) pp1-2

N61.   John Byrne. Graduation Oration. 3pp. Glasgow: Strathclyde University, 2008

N62.   Convenience trumps quality: how digital natives use information  FUMSI, June 2008


N63.      Waiting for the (Digital) Barbarians                             Information Outlook  13 (2009) 4pp    

N64.   Facing the Real Challenges of Digital Libraries         CILIP Update 1 (2011) pp32-33

          N65.   Modernising the Society [for Nautical Research] in the Digital Age (with Gareth Cole)   Mariner's Mirror 99: 1, (2013) pp123-124.

N66.   For Once I want to be the car crash           IWMW 20th Anniversary Blog [April 2016]

N67. The End of Prof Reading?     Charleston Hub: On the Blog (January 26th, 2022)

N.68 Care of the Elderly. Charleston Hub: On the Blog (March 16th, 2022)

N.69 Mixing with Royalty Charleston Hub: On the Blog (June 16th, 2022)

N.70 There goes my hero. She's ordinary Charleston Hub: On the Blog (March 16th, 2023)