Curriculum Vitae

1. Personal Details

Name: Derek George Law

Work Address: Information Services Directorate

Curran Building

101 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0NS

Telephone: (Mobile) 07 802 802 155



M.A. (Hons) Glasgow University (Mediaeval and Modern History) 1969

Dip.Lib. Strathclyde University 1970

A.L.A. Library Association 1972

F.L.A. Library Association 1989

F.I.Inf.Sc. Institute of Information Scientists 1994

F.K.C. Fellow of King’s College London 1995

F.R.S.E. Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh 1999

D. Univ. University of Paris 2000

F.C.L.I.P. Fellow, Chartered Institute of Library & Information

Professionals 2002

F.S.N.R. [Inaugural] Fellow of the Society for Nautical Research 2015


Assistant Librarian, St Andrews University 1970-77

Sub-Librarian (Acquisitions), Edinburgh University 1977-81

Librarian, Erskine Medical Library, Edinburgh University 1981-83

Director of Library Automation, Edinburgh University 1983-84

College Librarian, King’s College London 1984-93

Director of Information Services & Systems, King’s College London. 1993-98

Librarian and Director of Information Strategy, Strathclyde University 1998-2001

Head of the Information Resources Directorate, Strathclyde University 2002-08

Consultant 2008-

Chair, JISC Advance 2009-15

Current status: I “retired” in November 2008 and since then have taken on a number of roles.

- I chaired the JISC Advance Company until its closure in 2015

- I was PI on a study on the Future of Libraries, jointly funded by BL/JISC/RIN/RLUK/SCONUL;

- I have undertaken consultancy reviews for the World Health Organisation, The University of Malta,

the Open University, The Greek Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency and the EU;

- I was a Scotland-Malawi Fellow, based in Malawi for two months in 2009.

- I undertake regular project reviews for the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme

- I will undertake a Visiting Professorship at UCL Doha in Spring 2019

Previous Post:

In my previous post at Strathclyde I managed a staff of 300 and a budget of over £12 million. I was a member of the senior management

team of the University. I was responsible for Academic Computing, Administrative Computing, Learning Services (which covers classroom

support, courseware development, e-learning strategy, assistive technology and IT applications training for staff and students) and the

Library. I hold an emeritus chair in the Department of Computing & Information Science as head of the Centre for Digital Library Research

and was responsible for the PREDICT centre which undertakes research on the knowledge economy, with specific reference to HE.

2.Personal Memberships: CILIP; American Library Association; Association for Learning Technology (Founder Member); Navy Records Society; Society for Nautical Research; US Naval Institute.

3. Personal Awards, Honours and Public Lectures

Farries Award for Public Relations [as Chair of London UC&R Committee] 1988

CLSI Annual Lecture on Library Automation 1989

Barnard Triennial Prize for contributions to Medical Informatics 1993

Elected a Fellow of the Institute of Information Science 1994

Elected a Fellow of King’s College London 1998

Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1999

Appointed Senior Research Fellow and Leader, Centre for Digital Library

Research, University of Strathclyde 2000

Epixtech Annual Lecture on Information Policy 2000

D. Univ. from the University of Paris, honoris causa 2000

Chair in Department of Computing, University of Strathclyde 2001

Honorary Membership, CILIPS 2003

IFLA Medal 2003

OCLC Distinguished Scholars Program 2004

Hon Fellowship, CILIP 2004

Emeritus Professorship 2009

Royal Society of Edinburgh Travel Grant (for Malawi) 2009

Associate Membership of the Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies 2019

4. Personal Professional Activities

External University Activities

External Examiner Manchester Metropolitan University 1992-94

External Examiner The Robert Gordon University 1997-2002

Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield 1997-2004

Visiting Professor, University of Central England 1998-2006

External Assessor, University of Malaya 2011-2015

External Assessor, University of Portsmouth for Course Approval for

MA in Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage 2014

Library Association/CILIP

National Councillor 1985-96

Treasurer & Chairman University College & Research Section 1989-92

Chairman, IT Committee 1985-90

Chair of Executive Committee 1991-96

Facilitator for long-term strategy review 1997

Chair, Governance Review 2006-07

Scottish Library Association

Vice President 1999-2001

President 2002

Standing Conference of National and University Libraries

Council Member 1989-92

Committees on Automation Policy, Medical Materials, Performance Indicators,

Recurrent Expenditure (various periods between 1985-92)

Other Professional Activities

Association of Scottish Health Services Libraries Committee 1982-3

British Library Advisory Committee on Bibliographic Standards 1989-91

British Library Advisory Committee on Document Supply 1989-92

Charlesworth Awards for Serial Publications. Judge 2002-2005

Elsevier European Libraries Advisory Board 2004-2006

Inter University Computing Centres Committee on Networking 1989-92

IRIS Project Board (Open Access in Scotland) 2006-2009

JANET Library Users Group 1987-90

John Campbell Trust. Trustee 2002-

LIBERTAS User Group. Chairman 1991-94

National Electronic Library for Health Advisory Board 2001-2005

National Library of Scotland. Trustee 2000-2002

Office for Humanities Communication. Publication Committee 1997-2004

Royal Society Scientific Information Committee 1992-97

Scotland’s Cultural Portal: Advisory Board Chairman 2002-2005

SLS Library Systems User Group, Chairman 1993-95

SUNCAT Steering Committee, Chair 2002-2007

UK Medical School Libraries Group, Chairman 1983

UK National IFLA Committee, Chair 1998-2003

UKOLN Steering Committee Chairman 1990-95

University of Strathclyde:

Court 2003-2008

Senate 1999-2008

Senate representative on Ceremonials and Honorary Degrees Ctte 2004-2008

Senate representative on General Convocation 2003-2005

5. Miscellaneous Academic Activities

British Commission on Maritime History. Board Member 2011-2018

Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Trustee 1984-98

Naval Historians Society; Chairman 2005-

Navy Records Society. Councillor and Vice President 1999-

Oftel Education and Public Access Points Task Force 1998-1999

Queen’s Anniversary Prizes Assessor 2009-2015

Royal Geographical Society Library and Maps Committee 1990-1992

- Council 1997-1999

Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Councillor 2002-2006

Royal Society of Edinburgh. Deputy Curator 2008-2011

Samuel Pepys Club Committee 1995-98

Society for Nautical Research, Secretary 1991-1995

- Vice-President 1995-

6. PhD External Assessor

University of Loughborough [details not kept] 1997

University of Cambridge F. Rowland (by publication) 1999

University of Sheffield D. Allan Information Strategy in Practice 2000

University of Northumbria G. Walton (by publication) 2002

University of Loughborough M. Al-Shehri A Virtual University Model

for Higher Education in Saudi Arabia 2003

University of Loughborough A Muir Digital Legal Deposit 2004

University of Strathclyde N. Munro Contrasting Legacies: Determinants of Support for

Incomplete Democracies in the Republic of Korea and the

Russian Federation [internal examiner] 2004

University of Southampton H. Mason Integrating Institutional Repositories into the

Semantic Web 2008

University of Loughborough S.P. Manuel Strategic management and development of UK

university library websites 2012

University of Portsmouth A. Dappert DePICT - A conceptual model for Digital Preservation 2013

University of Loughborough J. C. F. Ravenwood Selection of digital material for preservation in

libraries, archives and museums 2013

University of Loughborough M. Younus Digital Reference Services in University Libraries of

Pakistan 2014

University of Loughborough D. Johnson A Multiphase Mixed Methods Analysis of UK

E-commerce Privacy Policies 2019

7. Advice/Consultancies for Commercial Companies and Other Bodies:

Computer Companies: Digital Equipment Corporation; Sun Microsystems;

International Organisations: AGARD; Council of Europe; European Union; INETI; International Parliamentary Union, World Health Organisation

National Governments: Government of Canada Serials Task Force (2001-5), Government of Denmark (1997); Government of Malawi (1981); National Hellenic Research Foundation (2001)

National Organisations: British Film Institute (1997), British Medical Association (1999 and 2003); Royal College of Organists( 2004); Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (1982); Royal Geographical Society (1997-1999); Scottish Museums Council(1999)

Library Services Suppliers: Bibliographix; I.T.S; Library Contract Services; OCLC; TALIS; Uniqads

Miscellaneous: E.P.S.; Solon Consultants; ingenta

Publishers: Elsevier; Information Access Company; Institute for Scientific Information; Taylor & Francis

Serials Agents: Blackwell’s; Dawsons; Swets and Zeitlinger;

8. Departmental, Computing Centre and Library Reviews:

University: University of Aberdeen (1994 and 2005), University College of Wales Aberystwyth Department of Information and Library Studies (1993); University of Botswana (1983), British Library of Political and Economic Science (1996), Cranfield University (1996); University of East Anglia (1995), University of Wales College Cardiff (1985,1993,1997), Dublin Institute of Technology (2005), European University Institute in Florence (1994 and 2015), University of Glasgow (1997), Ionian University, Corfu (2011), University of Keele (1993), London Institute (1997), University of London School of Advanced Studies (1999-2000), Loughborough University (1999, 2011, 2014, University of Malawi (1981 and 2003), University of Malta (2009), Napier University (1993), University of Northumberland (1997), University of Nottingham (1997), Open University (2008-9), University of Oxford (2005), University of Paisley (1997), Queen’s University of Belfast (1999), The University of Pretoria (2004, 2017), The Robert Gordon University (2003), Roehampton Institute (1996), St Mary’s University College Twickenham (1996), Sheffield Hallam University (1993), University of Stirling (1994), University of Strathclyde (1997), University of Surrey (1993), University College London (2009), University College London, Department of Library and Archive Studies (1992), UWIST (1984)

9. National, Funding Council and Research Council Activities

Computer Board

- Member 1989-90

- Godfather for Wales and East of Scotland 1989-90

Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities

- Public Libraries Network Committee 1999-2001

Department of Culture, Media and Sport

- Library & Information, Commissioner 1995-2000

- Chair of its International Committee 1995-2000

- Finance Committee Member 1998-2000

- New Library: the People’s Network. Content Working Party 1998

- Wolfson Foundation Panel for Public Library Infrastructure Awards

Chairman, 1998-1999

ESRC Research Resources Board 1992-1994

- review of Social Science Library Collections in the UK 1993

HEFCs/UFC/HEFCE, Library and Information Studies Adviser 1990-97

- Review of Northern Ireland Libraries for DENI 1993

- Chair of Library and Information Management Panels

Research Assessment Exercises 1992&1996

Information Systems Committee of UFC 1990/1992

- Chair of Review of National Microform Facilities 1992

Joint Funding Councils Libraries Review Panel, Member 1993-94

- member of sub-panels on IT and on Staffing 1993-94

- member of Follett Non-Formula Funding Allocation Panel 1994-95

- member of Follett Implementation Group for IT 1994-97

Joint Information Systems Committee of HEFC’s

- Member 1992-97

- Member 2008-2013

- Information Services Sub-Committee, Chairman 1992-97

- Humanities Non-Formula Funding Programme, Manager 1996-98

- Manager, HEFCE electronic journal initiative 1997-98

- Member, Digital Libraries II, UK Steering Committee 1997-98

- Member, UK Archives Hub Sub-Committee 1999-2004

- Member, JISC Strategic Review Panel 2000-2001

- Member, Committee on Content 2002-2004

- Serials Union Catalogue Project (SUNCAT), Chair 2002-2007

JISC Advance

- Board Chairman 2009-2015

Medical Research Council Rayner Review of Libraries, 1982

Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education.

- Assessor 2009-2015

Research Support Libraries Programme (The Anderson Committee)

- Management Group Member 1998-2002

- Steering Group Member 1998-2002


- Board Member 1998-2002

10. International Activities

American Library Association International Committee 2000-2005

Aurora Leadership Programme Instructor [Australia] 2001

Berlin 10 Open Access Conference (South Africa). Advisory Committee 2012

British Council Advisory Committee on Libraries and Information 1998-2002

Council of Europe delegations, Member 1988-90

eIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries), Advisory Board President 2003-2004

EPT (Electronic Publishing Trust) Trustee 2011-2018

European Consortium of Innovative Universities

- Web Supported Learning Steering Group. Member 2001-2003

- Collaborative European Virtual University. ECIU Representative 2002-2003

European University Quality in e-Learning.

- Institutional Reviewer 2008-9

European Virtual University. Steering Committee 2002-2004

Greek Ministry of Education

- Consultant on proposed Union Catalog of Greek Academic Libraries. 1997

- Assessor for Faculty Appointments and Promotions Panel 2014-

Institute for Scientific Information Advisory Board 1992-96

International Conference on Digital Libraries

- Organising Committee, Paris 1999

International Congress on Medical Librarianship

- 8th Congress (2000) Organising Committee 1996-2000

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Secretary then Chairman Biological and Medical Libraries Section 1985-93

Secretary then Chairman, Special Libraries Division 1989-93

Member of Professional Board 1991-93

Member of Executive Board 1997-2003

Treasurer 1997-2003

Member, IFLA Open Access Taskforce 2011-2015

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

- Programme Committee 2019

Ligue des Bibliotheques Europeannes de Recherche (LIBER)

- Automation Committee 1987-91

mLearn 2015: 14th World conference on mobile and contextual learning, Venice

- International Review Panel 2015

University of Malawi. Scotland-Malawi Fellow teaching librarianship course 2009

University of Malaya. External Assessor for Chair Appointments 2011-2017

University of Tblisi, Library School Governing Board 2003-2007

University of Torun, Poland, Visiting Lecturer 1998-2003

UCLA. Taught course on management 2008

UCL Doha. Visiting Research Fellowship (awarded but not taken up) 2019

11. European Commission

Telematics for Libraries Programmes. Drafting Luxembourg 1993-4

UK representative activities, various 1985-98

- Review of Cultural Network Programme 2003

- Review of eContentplus Programme 2008-9

EU Project Reviews 20 January 2010 Luxembourg

19 April 2011 Luxembourg

Europeana Libraries February 9th 2012 Den Haag

March 18 2013 Brussels

Europeana Newspapers 13 March 2014 Brussels

21 May 2015 Luxembourg

KEEP 30 March 2010 Luxembourg

1 June 2011 Paris

SUCCEED 25th February 2014 Alicante

19th February 2015 Alicante

TELMAP 13th November 2012 Luxembourg

8 May 2013 Luxembourg

Project Bids Evaluation

eContentplus Evaluator

ICT Call 6 (recorder) 2010

ICT Call 9 Access to cultural resources. (recorder) 2012

ICT Call 10 Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity 2013

ICT Call 11 Technology-enhanced learning in May-June (recorder) 2013

ICT Call 12 Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies (recorder) 2014

ICT Call 19a Technologies for the Creative Industries (recorder 2015

ICT Call 22 Technologies for Learning and Skills 2016

ICT Call 24 Gaming and Gamification 2016

MSCA-IF Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Curie Individual Fellowships 2016

MSCA-IF ECO-SOC Individual Fellowships 2017

MSCA RISE Call 2018

MSCA-IF Individual Fellowships 2018

12. Research Grants

I have been grantholder for numerous projects but the following are those where I might be considered principal or joint principal investigator or director. Information on these is held almost entirely by previous employers and so many of the figures are estimates drawn from memory. All the awards were made through competitive bidding and peer review processes, except nos 4 & 6. In recent years my role has been to develop a research question or proposal and then recruit staff who I direct and/or to stimulate the discussion of and testing of models by others.

13. Centre for Digital Library Research

In 1999, after my arrival in Glasgow, I, and existing library staff, bid competitively for a number of research contracts and won

most of these. Given that a small number of other contracts already existed and following discussion with the Principal, it was agreed

to create a Centre for Digital Library Research as a focus for digital library research occupying a unique niche in

information science in the UK. Formally this is associated with the Department of Computing and Information Science,

in order to ensure that the Centre staff are RAE-returnable. The group has gone on to win several other contracts and

currently has an annual research turnover of about £500,000 per annum and is managing twelve projects at present.

I led the group, averaging twelve staff, all working on the general area of digital libraries and electronic information systems. A

full record of the Centre and its work can be found at It received a 4 rating in the 2001 RAE Exercise.

14. Editorial Boards:

At various times I serve or have served on the boards of Alexandria; British Journal of Academic Librarianship; Health LibrariesReview; Information and Learning Science; Internet Research; International Journal on Grey Literature; Journal of Information Networking; Liber Quarterly; Libri; LISA (Library and Information Study Abstracts); New Library World; New Review of Information Networking; OCLC Micro; Scholarly Communications Report, Scholarly and Research Communication, The Electronic Library.