What's New pg.8
“National Conference on Technical Vocation Education, Training and Skills Development: A Roadmap for Empowerment”
Perceptions as a panel speaker of Dr. Pradeep Wagh, Secretary General, Development Education (International) Society, DEIS, Pune
“National Conference on Technical Vocation Education, Training and Skills Development: A Roadmap for Empowerment” was held on 17th & 18th December 2008 in New Delhi by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), MHRD.
1. The opening remarks of Hon. Shri Arjun Singh ji "Skill development at the grass root level is key for India's progress. We have the infrastructure necessary, but we have to start making it work. This conference is an important milestone towards this goal" gave important thoughts to ponder on for Dr.Wagh and also perhaps to the 500 odd delegates comprising of Vice Chancellors of Technical Universities/Deemed Universities, Director of premier Technical Education institutes including IITs, NITs, IIMs, and persons from academia and industry and Secretaries dealing with Technical Education and Directors of Technical Education of the State Govts/UTs.
2. Professor R. A. Yadav, Chairman, AICTE, introduced the conference aptly when he said "Technical Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development is one of the most crucial components of human resource development having the potential for adding value to products and services thereby improving the quality of life of the people. It has been realized that with the rapidly changing and increasingly sophisticated economies and technology, more needs to be done in the field of vocational education & training and skills development, to educate and train people for employment and entrepreneurship….”
3. The technical sessions were enjoyable and gave valuable insights in the following six areas:
3.1 The Present National & International Experiences (Existing Systems, Schemes, Models and Best Practices)
3.2 The Present National & International Experiences (Existing Systems, Schemes, Models and Best Practices) Real Life Experience Sharing.
3.3 Public & Private Initiatives and Partnerships
3.4 Technical Vocational Education, Training and Skills Development Strategies
3.5 Media Round Table
3.6 Role of Higher & Technical Educational Institutions, AICTE, UGC & other Regulatory bodies.
Dr.Pradeep Wagh felt very elated to be included in the technical session 3 viz. “Public and Private Initiatives and Partnerships” along with eminent speakers viz:
- Shri A. K. Rath, Sec, School Education & Literacy Ministry of MHRD, GOI
- Shri N. K. Sinha, Jt. Sec, MHRD, GOI
- Dr. Xavier Alphonse S. J., Director ICRDCE & Member, UGC
- Sri Ashok Singh, Vice President, INTUC & Member, Board of Governors, IIM, Lucknow
- Prof. K. P. Murthy, Consultant, Bosch Bangalore.
That DEIS, an NGO was given a place to express its views, speaks a lot about the openness of the Government Authorities to humble grass-root work of people.
DEIS as you are aware has been working for the last two decades in the field of “Enterprise Education in Technical, Vocational Education and Training (EE in TVET)” which also formed the subject of paper presented.
This work of DEIS has been done with international assistance from Netherlands, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, etc and with considerable public sector co-operation from Doordarshan, AIR, DST, PSSCIVE, MHRD, Maharashtra Education Board, etc. Dr.Wagh was pleased to present the details of this Public and Private Initiatives and Partnerships.
Highlight of this DEIS initiative is that the entire work in the field of ENTERPRISE EDUCATION of DEIS is now accepted as a national resource by MHRD and is posted on their official web-portal:
www.sakshat.ac.in --> Educational Resources --> Study Material --> Enterprise Education
The material is also available on the comprehensive web portal
Dr.Wagh was particularly satisfied when an exclusive group of delegates had a further discussion with him on the subject.
The entire conference has served to give a new motivation and inspiration.
DEIS shares the gigantic target set by the conference to work towards creating a
500 million strong work force, skilled in technical, vocational education by year 2022.
The most important question of genuine concern posed by Dr.Wagh to the conference was , “We may target to create a 500 million technically adept work force by year 2022, but have we thought of who will employ them? “
Even if an average of 10 people are to be employed by one entrepreneur, we need some 50 million entrepreneurs by year 2022 to employee the entire technical work force i.e some 5 million new entrepreneurs need to be trained and created every year. This is a tall order since the education system in India is currently not geared for this thinking process itself, unlike in some developed countries like New Zealand ( www.enzt.co.nz) where Enterprise Education is started as early as 5 years of age in schools itself.
As a part answer , DEIS offered its continuing initiatives and in the following areas:
1. Technical and Vocational education through ICT
2. Enterprise Education through TV media
3. Enterprise Education through Web
4. Related areas
DEIS also offers its resource materials as follows:
1. Enterprise Education Trainers Manual
2. Enterprise Education Students Activity Book
3. Interactive Business Planner (IBP) CD
4. Enterprise Education Interactive CD
5. Kalpavriksha CD – Business Opportunity Guidance CD
6. IBP Manual
7. Enterprise Education Presentation CD
8. Udyojakta Vikas Malika , Enterprise Videos (32 volumes)
9. Udyog Sadhana – Navi Vatchaal TV Programmes (26 episodes)
Felicitation of Brig. P. V. Gole (Retd.), AVSM, Chairman, DEIS, Pune:
Felicitation of Brig. P. V. Gole, (Retd), AVSM, Chairman, Development Education (International) Society, DEIS Pune was done at the auspicious hands of Dr. V. Z. Sali, a reputed educationist of Maharashtra on 14th June 2008 at the residence of Brig. Gole at a private ceremony organized by Dr. V.Z. Sali Students Researchers Felicitation Committee.
Brig. Gole, 85 yrs. has in the past been decorated with AVSM for meritorious services in the Territorial Army. Brig. Gole is also Director (Retd.), Air India.
Dr. Pradeep Wagh, Secretary General, DEIS welcomed the members present and introduced Dr. Sali to the august gathering.
Mr. S.P. Ranade, sr. trustee, DEIS introduced Brig. Gole’s sparkling career.
Brig Gole started the Development Education (International) Society (DEIS), Pune in 1987 with the vision “To see India emerging as a developed country, where every person would get an opportunity for education, entrepreneurial qualities development and productive economic activities”.
He spearheaded the launch of a series of weekly radio programmes titled “Udyog Sadhana” in Maharashtra in 1992 and in U. P. and M. P. in 1994.
He has provided leadership since about 1999 to research Enterprise Education for School Children, in his quest for Enterprise concepts and skills.
The research done by DEIS for Enterprise Education is now accepted as a national resource and is available to all people at large through the official “sakshat” website of the Ministry of HRD.
”It is his great contribution that he introduced this concept of Enterprise Education in the Secondary level of the Maharashtra Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education by working closely with the Board of studies .,” commented Dr.Sali while presenting a Citation of Honour.
Mrs. Vijayatai Gole , wife of Brig.Gole was also felicitated on this occasion by Mrs. Netra Wagh, sr. trustee ,DEIS. Prof. S.B.Gagare, Principal, B.Ed. College, Sangamner , in his capacity of President of the Feliciation Committee presented a memento to Brig.Gole on the occasion. Some 10 principals and officials of B.Ed. colleges from different parts of Maharashtra attended on behalf of the committee. About 30 friends and well-wishers had also gathered on the occasion, prominent among these being Sri Vasant Kanitkar, Ex-Chairman, Deccan Education Society.
Details of Enterprise Education are available on website: www.enterprise-education.in
“Enterprise Education” is also available as a unit of study in the book of “Personality Development” Std. 9th and 10th in Maharashtra.
L to R Dr. V.Z. Sali, Brig. P.V. Gole (Redt) AVSM, and Mrs. Vijaya Gole during the felicitation.
The details of the Citation are given on the >> Citation of Honor