
Udyog Sadhana radio programmes were directed towards the mass of unemployed youth in Maharashtra.

· Audio Song In Marathi

"First one must strive, Then alone one gets FRUIT.

Those who do not strive , get no success.

Labour is fruitless, if it be not done with conscious effort.

Those who endeavoured all their life,

They have enjoyed good fortune.

The rest were luckless people

As they only kept talking without action. "

· Broad Contents Of Radio Programmes

a) Achievement motivation

b) Opportunities for Enterprise

c) Resources mobilisation

d) Managing a small enterprise

e) Opportunities in different parts of state.

Nearly 180 weekly programmes were broadcast over 3 years. An audience response of about 15,000 letters was received. These were replied to.

  • Udyog Sadhana Radio Programme Launched In UP, MP, Assam & Meghalya in 1994. These programmes have been widely appreciated by the rural unemployed youths and some of them have progressed in setting up their own small enterprises after listening to these Radio Programmes. Audience response to these radio programmes in UP, MP, Assam & Meghalya has exceeded 20,000 letters.