Linear bearings (again)!
Post date: Oct 1, 2013 3:18:29 AM
My new linear bearings:
I haven't actually gotten to play with them yet, but I hear they slide nicely. They'll actually be mounted differently than they're shown in the photo. For starters, they'll be UNDER the table, instead of on top. Perhaps less obviously, they'll be mounted upside-down from how they're currently sitting, with the blocks attached to the base of the mill and the rails attached to the table. The idea is to keep the supports under the tooling at all times for added stability. It might not matter, but that's the current plan.
Said plan also includes at least marking a plate to mount the blocks to using the machine as-is. I've already got a nicely-aligned axis, so I figure I'll take advantage of it to make aligning the next axis easier. Or at least getting the blocks mounted in straight, parallel lines. Getting the plate mounted square with the rest of the machine is another matter (though that's one thing to align, instead of 4 things that need aligning in X/Y AND in rotation).
Unfortunately, it'll probably be just about forever before I actually get a chance to install these, given my lack of free time and potential need for a functional machine for schoolwork.