Harmonic Lattice Diagram Variation
lattice2.eps (source link in file list below) : another Harmonic Lattice Diagram -- this example shows 8-tone harmonic, with all links of length 1 in various directions (in landscape view).
The lines changed in the original file to get the variation are shown below, with the changes shown indented.
% WINDOW LIMITS, your coordinate system
% left x, bottom y, right x, top y: (set big enough to fit whole diagram)
-1.2 -1.2 2.2 1.2
% this example shows 8-tone harmonic, with all links of length 1 in various directions.
[ 3 5 7 11 13 ]
% specify coordinates for each prime harmony
[ [1 0] [0 1] [-.707 .707] [.5 -.866] [-.9165 -.4] ]
/scl [
1 1 9 8 5 4 11 8 3 2 13 8 7 4 15 8
] def
[ ]
def %label offsets
def % true means rotate 90 deg. (landscape orientation)