Patrolling Simulator v6.0

Patrolling Simulator v6.0


The Patrolling Simulator is a tool implemented by David Portugal for studying and simulating multi-robot patrolling algorithms. Users should start by opening a Raw PPM or PGM image of an occupancy grid map. It is possible then to acquire the environment skeleton via an open source tool named EVG-THIN developed by Patrick Beeson that extracts a Voronoi Diagram. The simulator provides an enhanced user interface for the diagram computation.

After having the environment skeleton, a complete and fast computation of the nodes and routing tables should occur. The final step is adjusting the algorithm's parameters and run the simulation.

The "Patrolling Simulator v6.0" is freely distributed to whom wants to use it for scientific or educational purposes.

We just ask you to cite properly our work in all publications, manuscripts and technical reports reporting the work you did based on our package:

D. Portugal and R. Rocha, "MSP Algorithm: Multi-Robot Patrolling based on Territory Allocation using Balanced Graph Partitioning". In Proceedings of 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010), Special Track on Intelligent Robotic Systems, 1271-1276, Sierre, Switzerland, March 22-26, 2010.

You can download the "Patrolling Simulator v6.0" software HERE.