TICS320 - Data Bases

General Information (1/2023)

Classroom: -

Day: Thursday from 15:30 to 18:10 (Data Bases - Section 3)

Load: 45 hours (4 credits)

My room: UAI/FIC, Santiago, D-322. Daniel Leite (daniel.furtado@uai.cl)

Assistance from me: By email (any day/time) & By Zoom Meeting (Friday from 14:00 to 18:00; please send me an email to schedule)

Course Overview

01 – Introduction to Data Bases and Database Management Systems (DBMS)

02 – Database models: hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, graph, document-based, non-relational

03 – Entity-Relationship Diagrams: conceptual analysis and synthesis, e.g. draw.io

04 – Logical design, normalization; 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal forms

05 DBMS optimization and additional topics: Centralized and Distributed databases, Client-Server architecture

06 SQL: Structured Query Language: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL; popular Relational DBMS, e.g., MySQL

07 NoSQL: Not only Structured Query Language: characteristics, types, popular Non-Relational DBMS, e.g. MongoDB

08 Cloud-based big data analytics: Azure, and Google BigQuery in Python

Objectives of the Course

01 – Introduce foundations and concepts of data bases and database management systems

02 – Provide background information to support the importance of database systems in modern organizations and business strategies

03Students should become familiar with database design, manipulation and administration as well as with a variety of database models

04 – Discuss issues on relational (SQL), non-relational (NoSQL) and cloud-based tools; and programming languages

05 – Be actively involved in hands-on activities, and in a project to effectively create, normalize and optimize a database

Approximated Timeline

Week 1: Introduction to Data Bases and Database Management Systems

Week 2: Database models and concepts

Week 3: Database models, and ER Diagrams

Week 4: Relational model

Week 5: Conceptual and logical database design

Week 6: Practice using an Entity-Relationship Diagram Tool, e.g. draw.io

Week 7: Topics on phisical design, security, recovery

Week 8: Midterm Test (T1)

Week 9: SQL concepts

Week 10: SQL concepts and examples

Week 11: Practice: SQL and Google BigQuery on Kaggle

Week 12: NoSQL

Week 13: API - JSON - Python; big data; practical example in a non-relational BD tool, e.g. MongoDB

Week 14: Practice using cloud-based big data analytics: Azure Cloud

Week 15: Challenges in DBMS, or Webservices; and synthesis for the final test

Week 16: Final Test (T2)

Week 17: Examen (E)

Evaluation and Project Due Date


T1: Midterm Test (30%) - April 20, 2023 (To be confirmed)

T2: Final Test (30%) - June 22, 2023 (To be confirmed)

A: Assignements/Activities (20%)

P: Project (20%) - June 23, 2023 (To be confirmed)

E: Exam - June 29, 2023 (To be confirmed)


La Nota Final (NF

- Se calculará una Nota presentación a Examen: NPE = 0,3 T1 + 0,3 T2 + 0,2 A + 0,2 P

Si (NPE >= 5,0) y (T1, T2, A y P >= 4,0) y NPE dentro del primer decil de NPEs del curso, el profesor podría eximir al alumno de rendir examen y, entonces: NF = NPE

- Si el alumno debe rendir examen y la nota obtenida en el examen (E) es mayor o igual a 3,0; entonces: NF = 0,3 E + 0,7 NPE

- Si el alumno debe rendir examen y (E < 3,0), entonces NF = NE


Approved if:

NF >= 4.0 and Class Attendance >= 70%

Main Textbooks

[1] Jeffrey Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi. Modern Database Management. 13th edition, Pearson, 2021.

[2] S. Sumathi, S. Esakkirajan. Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems. Springer, 2010.

Other Textbooks

[3] Jeffrey Hoffer, Mary Prescott, Fred McFadden. Modern Database Management. 6th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

Supporting Material

Class Notes (available below)

1/2023 (Class notes will be gradually available along the course)

1/2023 - Attachments: Part 1 (Weeks 1 to 8 -> Midterm Test)

DBases - 00.pdf

1/2023 - Attachments: Part 2 (Weeks 9 to 16 -> Final Test)
