
Current graduate courses


Current undergraduate courses

-  [TICS320] Data Bases (UAI) - 1/2023 (Sec. 3)

-  [TICS411] Data Mining (UAI) - 1/2023 (Sec. 2)

Past graduate courses

-  [TICS854] Neural Networks (UAI) - 2/2022

- [PSI531]: Fuzzy Systems (UFLA) - 2/2021 - 2/2020 - 2/2019 - 1/2018 - 2/2017 - 1/2017 - 1/2016 - 1/2015

- [PSI532]: Linear Systems Theory (UFLA) - 2/2016 - 2/2015

Past undergraduate courses

-  [TICS411] Data Mining (UAI) - 2/2022(Sec. 3)

- [GAT125Online]: Control Systems Lab (UFLA) - 1/2021(A) - 1/2021(B) - 1/2021(C)

- [GAT125]: Control Systems Lab (UFLA) - 1/2020(A) - 1/2020(B) - 1/2020(C) - 2/2019(A) - 2/2019(B)

- [GNE386]: Control Systems Lab (UFLA) - 1/2018(C) - 1/2018(D) - 2/2017

- [GNE384]: Dynamic Systems Control (UFLA) - 1/2017

- [GNE215]: Control and Automation Lab (UFLA) - 1/2016 - 2/2015 - 1/2015 - 2/2014

- [GNE219]: State-space Control Systems (UFLA) - 2/2017 - 1/2017 - 2/2016 - 1/2016 - 2/2015 - 1/2015 - 2/2014

- Industrial Informatics Lab (UFMG) - 2/2012 - 1/2012

- Linear Dynamic Systems Lab (UFMG) - 2/2012 - 1/2012

- Control and Automation I Lab (UFMG) - 1/2012

- Control Theory (PUC-MG) - 1/2012

- Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications (UNICAMP) - 2/2009