Geometry and mathematics

A part of the CVonline computer vision resource summarizing the geometric and mathematical methods commonly encountered in computer vision and image processing.

  1. Basic Representations

    1. Coordinate systems

      1. Cartesian coordinate system

      2. Cylindrical coordinate system

      3. Hexagonal coordinate system (see external links)

      4. Log-Polar coordinate system

      5. Polar coordinate system

      6. Spherical coordinate system

    2. Digital topology

    3. Dual space

    4. Homogeneous coordinates

    5. Pose/Rotation/Orientation Representations

  1. Distance and similarity metrics

  1. Elementary mathematics for Vision

  1. Mathematical optimization

  1. Linear algebra for computer vision

  1. Multi-sensor/Multi-view geometries

  1. Parameter Estimation

  1. Probability and Statistics for Computer Vision

  1. Projective geometry/Projective transformations

  1. Projective invariants/cross-ratio

  1. Relational shape descriptions

  1. Shape properties

    1. Volumes

  1. Transformations (geometric), registration and pose estimation methods

    1. 3D to 3D pose estimation

      1. Minimal data estimation