Nature Recources

Finland is rich in many natural resources of which the wood being the most important. Besides that Finland have metals and minerals, sand, clay, gravel and water recourses. (Rikkinen, 1992). Also our land resource used for agriculture, fishing, reindeering and hunting is a part of our nature resources. In this chapter the forestry, mining and peat resources are described. In the chapter about economy you can find more about forestry and agriculture.

Finland lives of its forests. Per capita earnings from exports of forest industry products are greater than anywhere else in the world. Finnish forest companies are Europe's market leaders in terms of the most important product groups. Finland has increased its secondary processing of sawtimber and wooden construction boards by manufacturing e.g. log houses, doors, windows, furniture and other joinery industry products. Finland is also the world's third largest exporter of softwood plywood and the fifth largest exporter of plywood in general. A concerted effort is being made to increase the use of wood in construction and for other purposes.

Other natural forest products, including edible mushrooms and berries, are made use of by almost every Finnish family, especially in Lapland and Kainuu, where the gathering of such produce has a significant economic impact. The forest is an ideal place for personal refreshment and physical exercise in a variety of forms, of which cross country skiing and orienteering are obvious examples. Ecotourism and hunting are two other common activities.