
The government must enjoy the confidence of parliament (the Eduskunta) which has 200 members elected by universal suffrage every four years. After the elections of 2011 the National Coalition had 44 parliamentary seats, the Social Democratic Party had 42, the Finns Party 39, the Centre Party 35,the Left Wing Alliance 14, the Swedish People's Party 10, the Greens 10 and the Christian League 6. The multiparty coalition government formed in 2011 is headed by Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen, the leader of the National Coalition( , 05.11.2011)

The Government consists of the Prime Minister and a maximum of 18 ministers. The Government is also to be understood as the decision-making body for governmental and administrative matters consisting of the Government plenary session and the ministries. The Chancellor of Justice together with the Office of the Chancellor of Justice are considered to be part of the Government. The ministers must be Finnish citizens of good character.

The Prime Minister is elected by Parliament and thereafter formally appointed to office by the President of the Republic. The President appoints the other ministers in accordance with a proposal from the Prime Minister. Before the Prime Minister is elected, the groups represented in Parliament negotiate on the political programme and composition of the Government. On the basis of these negotiations, and having heard the views of the Speaker of Parliament, the President informs Parliament of the nominee for Prime Minister. The nominee is elected Prime Minister if supported by more than half the votes cast in an open vote in Parliament. The Government Programme is a programme of action agreed by the parties participating in the Government and setting out the main tasks facing the incoming administration.

The Finnish Constitution forbids Government ministers from holding any other public office or undertaking any other task which may obstruct the performance of their ministerial duties or compromise the credibility of their actions as members of the Government. Ministers are required to declare their commercial activities, shareholdings, other significant assets and liabilities, and any outside duties or other interests which may be of relevance in evaluating their performance as a member of the Government. The salaries of ministers are equal to the basic salary of a civil servant in the highest salary grade for government officials, plus five seniority increments and the capital city allowance. The salary grade is A34. The Prime Minister's salary is 20 per cent higher. On joining the Government, members of Parliament forfeit half of the salary and expenses they received as Members of Parliament. Ministers are entitled to 30 days holiday per year.

There are 13 ministeries in Finland:

Prime minister's office

Ministry of Foregin Affairs

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Education and Culture

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Trade and Industry

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Ministry of the Environment

Finnish Government