
You find a lot of Finnish music at YouTube. I will here only write the names of some famous Finnish singers and you can find their music yourself in YouTube.

    • Jean Sibelius (classic)
    • Tapio Rautavaara (for example Tuopin jäljet)
    • Kirill Kirka Babitzin and his brother Sammy Babitzin
    • Juice Leskinen (for example Eesti on my mind)
    • M.A.Numminen (for example Joulupukki puree ja lyö)
    • Katri Helena (for example Katson siniseen taivaan)
    • Dingo (for example Levoton tuhkimo)
    • Leevi and the Leavings (for example Pohjois-Karjala)
    • Lordi (for example Hard rock halleluja)
    • Ari Koivunen (for example Angels are calling)
    • Tarja Turunen (for example I walk alone)
