1.08AV XtremeIntern

SCENARIO: Provide virtual internships for your students

SOLUTION: XtremeIntern: Global Planet Solution or Cloud City

In each module there will be an assignment to explore the online virtual internship program, the XtremeIntern.com.

Welcome to the XtremeIntern.com virtual internship site. www.xtremeintern.com

This site has been created by myself and a good colleague, Maggie Kalas. We received a Perkins Fund grant for the past three years to create a site aimed at an audience of 14 and older.

The goals of the adventure are:

1. Students embrace their top three interests.

2. Students explore their top three interests.

3. Students make sound career decisions based upon their explorations.

This is not a "skill development" adventure. It is a career exploration adventure.

Xtreme Intern has two pathways.

1. Global Planet Solutions which is designed for four-year college bound students. The goal of Global Planet Solutions is to help students decide on college majors and career paths.

2. Cloud City which is designed for two year college bound students, employment bound and special needs students. The goal of Cloud City is to make students aware of the 16 career clusters and how they relate to cte programs.

Create a login:

Teachers and students can create personal logins to enter the adventure. In some situations it may be better for the teacher to create one login for the entire class or school. For example, Bayside High School could be - baysidehs (Use as login and password). The students do not save any data to the site. Therefore, the login is used for entry purposes only.

At this time, there is NO COST to use this adventure.

Your task is look over the site and take two of the four interest assessments. Your results are extremely important as they will guide your internship adventure. We offer four assessment activities to help the interns to validate their interests. If two of the assessments produce the same top three interest areas, then there is no need to take a third or fourth assessment. If the two assessments do not agree, they you should take another offered assessment.

Your assessment results are your top three interest areas. In XI we refer to this as your Career Talent Preference Code. In other units I refer to the same results as your Career DNA. For example, my Career DNA/Career Talent Preference Code is Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. A bit later you will see that this is the exact code for a Business Education teacher, which I am.


You will learn how to create an avatar for your class webpage.