
STEM Credentials

at California State University Northridge

    • Trying to get into the credential program late in the cycle ? Ask about these special admissions programs to accelerate your credential program:

    • Workshops are designed for

      • Prospective Teachers intending to apply to a credential program in Science

      • Teachers seeking an added authorization. To add authorization to teach general science or math, you need to Demonstrate content area subject-matter competence (CSET) and Complete a three-semester-unit or four-quarter-unit course in methodology directly related to teaching in a departmentalized setting in the specific content area sought. (SED 525S-Science, or SED525M-Math)

    • Questions?

      • Neida Salazar, Coordinator of Special Projects; Michael D Eisner College of Education, Education 1202, California State University, Northridge. 91330-8265; 818 677-6632; fax 818-677-6484, nsalazar@csun.edu

    • Information Sessions