

Chapter for an edited book addressing the impact of digital media on the way we

use, perceive and plan space

Olthof, T.P. and Eliens, A. – Gamification as a means to "tuning human behavior" (working title)


“Game Over

> Continue

Save & Continue

Save & Quit -- Super Mario Bros.”



This chapter discusses how gamification, the use of game mechanics, game dynamics and game technology within the practice of our daily lives is both the result and a driving force in the convergence of physical and virtual worlds, in order to evaluate the promises and risks of gamification, more specifically the merging of everyday life and games, in the development of the human life world and society. First, we look at the difference between everyday life and games. We'll examine what virtualization is, and how human perception structures space in order to try and grasp reality. Next, we'll see how the world that we experience is in fact a map of possible actions, which means that our relation to the world is a feedback loop. We examine how gamification speeds up this feedback loop to allow for faster learning for individuals and groups, and how gamification powers personal guidance in everyday life contexts. Finally we look at the implications, results and problems of this development.

Of particular interest to us are...

The goal of this chapter is to...

-why tuning -- we are being tuned anyway, we want to have control/freedom over this tuning

-ethics/moral -- from different possible future scenario's we want the best (and are morally required)

-new rituals -- we'll need new rituals to make sure living together in a society will be possible


If the distinction between everyday life and games would have to be summarized into a single sentence, it would be "everyday life is serious, games are not". In our daily life we find ourselves in the very serious situation of working to fulfill our basic needs. This not only includes finding food and shelter (which may seem trivial in our western 24/7 economy), but also love, esteem, and self-actualization. Although we've greatly optimized our 21th century world to find these things (jobs, housing, transportation, education, etc.) we can't permit ourselves too many mistakes or failures or we might loose it all, or, less dramatically, end up in a position of stagnation. To say that everyday life is serious, is simply to say a lot is at stake. Our actions are influences by our goals and fears, more specifically by their anticipated rewards or penalties. And because everyday is serious, we especially strive to eliminate all risks of huge penalties. We need to succeed, even if optimizing our chances of success limits our actions to (often boring) actions that have a low anticipated penalty on failure and/or a high chance of success. We won't try new solutions, we can't easily stop what we're doing and/or do something else.

By contrast, games are not serious; a game is 'just a game'. Playing a game could be defined as “the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles” (Suits, Bernard (2005), The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia, Broadview Press, pp. 54–55, ISBN 1-55111-772-X, CHECK THIS). Compared to everyday life, In a game we have the freedom to stop or leave the playing field, start another game with different rules, experiment with new solutions to the challenges the game poses. We can also optimize the game to be fun to play, so that there is pleasure in the activity of playing the game itself instead of (only) in the anticipated rewards. Although with games there is usually still something at stake (honour and), the stakes are not crucial to our well being, and therefore we have within a game the opportunity to fail without grave consequences, possibly even the opportunity to fail beautifully. For a game to be a game, after each 'Game Over' there should be a 'Retry'. And exactly because continuing and trying again after failure is possible (it is often even part of the game dynamics), the player isn't limited to low risk (and low reward) solutions like he is in everyday life, but is instead invited to experiment with new solutions. Games stimulate creativity and freedom.

While being opposites in terms of their seriousness, everyday life and games are of course not unrelated. Additionally, in recent years, everyday life and games have seemed to become increasingly mixed in a process usually identified as the gamification of society, 'the use of games or game mechanics and/or dynamics in (the support of) the practice of daily life’ (SOURCE?, OR BETTER DEFINITION?). Of course humans have been playing games as part of their daily lives for centuries if not millennia or longer. Think not only of sports or leisure games such as chess or checkers, but also of games that definitely contain serious elements, like pistol duels to settle disputes, or gladiators fighting. Of course, these older games didn't really allow for failure, while more recent serious games explicitly do.

Game mechanics include points (quantifiable measurements and allocations of progress), levels (stages of completion with increasing difficulty), challenges (obstacles to overcome), trophies (prizes for winning contests), badges (emblems that proove the user has displayed specific behaviour), achievements (markers for noting that specific goals have been reached) and leaderboards (rankings of users to measure their performance in comparison to others).

Game dynamics are the types of behavioral motivation that can be stimulated with these mechanics, and include rewards (“If I complete this action, I'll be rewarded with an object with a certain value.”), status (“If I complete this action, others will respect me.”), achievement (“If I keep trying, I'll achieve this goal (and prove to myself that I can do this).”, self-expression (“My identity is defined by what I do.”), competition (“I want to be the best, or better than X.”), altruism (“I can show I'm part of this community by caring for and giving to others.”).

Examples of recent gamification include serious games in areas as diverse as business (cost reduction, customer relations, productivity, teambuilding), recruitment (motivation, competition), marketing (points, engagement, loyalty, commitment, rewards), entertainment (engagement, participation), education (motivation, engagement, goal tracking, achievements), science (data analysis, data collection), social movements (engagement, cooperation, solving world problems, crowd-everything), health (fitness, sports, medical care, quantified self, patient monitoring) and warfare (drones, training).

In all these cases, game elements (mechanics, dynamics) are used to accomplish serious goals, while at the same time stimulating freedom and creativity like games do. The recent trend of gamification seems to be closely related [WHY??] to a process that is usually described as 'the virtualization of the human life world'.

2. VIRTUALIZATION [989] -- FIRST CONTACT WITH HUMAN WORLD-SHAPING (the thing that is up for analysis)

This ‘virtualization of the human life world’ is in fact not so much a virtualization in the strict sense of the word; it is instead a movement into a life world that is (partially) computationally mediated instead of ‘directly’ experienced. The concept of the life world is an invention of philosopher Edmund Husserl, and inspired the philosophical discipline of phenomenology, which takes the world as it is self-evidently 'given' as the starting point of all our experience. It then examines this experience of (human) life especially in terms of perception and activity (praxis) (Ihde, Don (1990), Technology and the Life World: From Garden to Earth, Indiana University Press, pp. 31-41 ISBN 0-253-32900-0). In the case of virtualization, we look at the virtuality and reality of our everyday life world as we experience and live it.

To be virtual is ‘being equally real to actuality, but in a different manner’ or ‘the quality of having the attributes of something without sharing its real form’ (REF). In other words, a virtual world is something that looks like and behaves exactly like the world, but isn't the world 'as the world really is'. Following this, one can easily see how a computationally mediated world like for example one in a 3D game or Second Life (REF http://secondlife.com/), can be called a virtual world, as it indeed looks and behaves like our every day world, yet clearly isn't the same world. While this is a correct assesment (Second Life ís a virtual world), contrasting it with the world of every day life in terms of virtuality would be wrong, because as it turns out, our everyday life world is virtual as well.

The difference between these 'worlds' seems to be in the degree of computational medation. If we look at for example Second Life, it is clear that this is in fact a computationally generated world made out of mathematical 3D models, and that if you want to add, modify or delete elements in this world, you'll need the Second Life 3D editor rather than a shovel. In it's current state, most of us don't call Second Life our everyday life world, but rather a new context that is in some way a layer on top of our everyday life (because, when we live in Second Life, we also still need to take care of our physical bodies outside of Second Life; in a sense we are living two lives at once). So how do you determine that Second Life is a computationally mediated world? This is a really hard question, but the most straightforward answer seems to be: you point out which computational devices or elements mediate the life world; in the case of Second Life, you'd need computer hardware, possibly VR headsets, you'd need software and human-computer interaction devices.

To a lesser degree, the same the same identification of computational mediation is possible in life worlds that contain augmented reality. Augmented reality is the activity of enhancing our everyday life world with computer-generated content tied to specific locations and/or activities (REF). This is usually done by projecting computer generated content within the field of view of a subject, currently usually either through heads up displays like Google Glass or on smartphone screens or other screens. Mixing everyday life experience with computationally generated visualizations is often done to provide specific functionality like for example navigation or metadata that is related to the location the user is currently at (for example where to find the best rated pizza nearby) or activities the user is currently performing (like for example travelling from location A to location B). This means that in this case, the subject's everyday life context is enhanced, instead of replaced with a new contextual layer like in Second Life.

Pointing out computational mediation becomes more difficult with information technologies that have been integrated so tightly into our everyday lifes that we almost don't notice them anymore. This is definately the case with such trivial things as traffic lights and money, but also with grocery stores, and even mobile phones. They don't enhance our daily life or are computational contexts on top of it, they are our everyday life. Money is an especially interesing example: from Linden Dollars (The money of Second Life), to crypto-currencies like Bitcoins, to American Dollars, can we really say one of them is less computationally mediated, or indeed, less virtual than the other? And even though worlds like Second Life are impressive, the process of computational mediation is having its most sifnificant effects in the parts of everyday life where we don't even notice this process anymore. It is very tempting to try and identify an aspect of everyday life that is not virtual. But in fact even if we were to be able to find an aspect of everyday life that is free of computational mediation it could still be virtual, because computational mediation is just one type or form of virtualization.


In order to understand how gamification (mostly as a part of a process of increasing computational mediation) changes our life world, we have to understand that our life world, as a spatial world in which we live our lives, is always virtual. To put it even more general: all space is virtual, because of the way human perception works. And it is exactly the structure of our space that gamification changes (and again: most radically through computational mediation).

Not only more and less ‘computationally mediated’ life worlds (like Second Life, augmented reality and the grocery store) but also life worlds that are seemingly completely 'directly experienced' and in no way computationally mediated, like our life world if we would be climbing a mountain in nature, are virtual, because space itself is always mental and virtual. This might seem counterintuïtive, so let's look at the nature of space in human perception in more detail.

In the perception of (for lack of a better term) reality, 'points of matter' are constructed at a certain distance (spatial or temporal) from ourselves. We can call these direct or absolute distances. When walking through mountains I can, for example, estimate how far away a particular rock is away from me. In this estimation I will determine the absolute distance between me and the rock. As humans, we are however also capable of calculating distances between two of these points that we have first constructed as points with distances from ourselves; this way, we can construct derived distances. I would for example be able to determine absolute distances between me and the rock, and between me and the ground below the rock. I could then make an estimation of how high this rock is, and whether I would be able to jump over this rock or that this rock is too high for me to jump over.

What is important here is that space is a set of (projected) distances, and that based on the construction of space by the human mind, the human mind postulates the existence of ‘the real world’. This means that our life world is not the source of our perception, but the result. It also means that our spatial life world is not a kind of 'objective' essence, but that it is mediated by us! This insight has been most famously summarized by philosopher Immanuel Kant as the transencental ideality of space (and time): “Space and time are not things in themselves, or determinations of things in themselves.” (REF: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant/), but “Space and time are nothing other than the subjective forms of human sensible intuition.” (REF: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant/). In other words (and without going into too much philosophical detail), space has to do with the structure of our perception, rather than the content.

Human perception is representation of the world; it postulates the things in the world as 'real' things with 'an apparent physical existence independent of our perception', and it is exactly in this sense that our perception of reality is always virtual, whether this perception is fueled by input from a computational system or not. Empirical reality could be defined as 'that which has apparent physical existence', and this physical existence is exactly the quality that virtual reality systems try very hard to imitate and suggest. And to be absolutely fair, the most important difference between virtual reality systems and ‘the real world’ today is probably that the former do not succeed perfectly in convincing us that the objects we interact with have a physical existence, while the latter does (almost by definition, we might add; the real world is the real world because it has (apparent) physical existence).

Virtuality often has the connotation 'not-real' but is now clear to us that this is only because most virtual reality systems are simply not convincing enough (yet). And, like many works of art and popular culture (from Plato to The Matrix) have suggested: if we'd live in a perfect (possibly computationally mediated) simulation, we'd have no way of telling if we'd live in a (computationally mediated) simulated world or not. From within our experience, based on perception alone, if this perception is convincing enough, there is simply no way for the subject to determine whether this perception is based on input from or mediated by a computational system or not. If perception is convincing, we attribute physical existence to the objects that are perceived and the perception is ‘real’. This implies that 'reality' is a property that is based on a kind of judgment or assesment by the subject, that something that is virtual can have (and often has) physical existence, and that virtuality and reality are not opposites.

The fact that everyday life is virtual doesn't make everyday life unreal, just like the fact that some virtual worlds are computationaly mediated don't make these worlds unreal. The reality of those worlds depends solely on our judgement that they are real.Here, we won't go into more philosophical detail about possible subjective and objective factors that play a role in this judgement. Of course, from outside of a computationally mediated virtual reality system, we can point out that it is computationally mediated, but from within this system, this is much more difficult, unless, like a lot of early virtual reality systems, the experiences that we get from them are for example incoherent, incomplete, not seamlessly integrated etc.; this way, a negative judgement might be possible (we know 'this is not real'; or 'this is a computationally mediated simulation'). But of course we might also be wrong about that!

Our experience of everyday life is a process of representation. The things that we perceive at certain distances from us and each other, are objects within space, that the mind than constructs as real and/or physically existing objects. This space as a set of distances doesn't only say something about the world that our mind postulates as as the source of our perception, but also about ourselves. In other words, reality is both physical and psychological, and our representation of reality is a spatial map.


It is important to distinguish maps from pictures. Both maps and pictures are copies of a something else, adapted to a different (usually smaller) scale. A picture is a representation of something else in which all elements of the original have been copied proportionally, like for example when you would construct a perfect 3d model of a building on a smaller scale. This means that all elements of a scene that is pictured retain their relative sizes and relations to each other, which gives the picture a somewhat objective and non-subjective status. The picture remains somewhat of a theoretical construct, as in practice it is very hard to create a picture that is identical to the scene that is depicted, except for scale (Even a photograph taken with a camera from a very high or distant position isn't without some perspective skewing).

This is why most representations, including our perception of space, are actually maps. A map is a representation in which proportions are only retained with respect to their usefulness or importance; to make a map more useful, proportions are in fact often intentionally changed: more important objects are made visually bigger, and less important items are made visually smaller. In fact, unimportant items might not be represented at all. The pirate who creates a map to remember where he buried his treasure will surely represent the strange group of four trees that serves as the landmark from which it is exactly thirtyseven steps east and fifteen steps south that he's buried the chest of gold. He will also make sure the location of the chest is marked with a big X, to signify that this is what the map is all about.

Our perception works similarly: our construction of space is influenced not only by our positional perspective like the position of our body, the direction of our head and eyes, but also, and just as significantly by our psychological perspective: how we perceive things in space is affected by goals, desires, fears and thoughts. If we have a certain goal in mind, all things in the world will appear either as support or obstacle to reach this goal; if we desire to be with a certain person, all things in the world will remind us of that person, and if we fear a great danger all things will show themselves as either huge risks or safeguards; if we have thought hard about how something works, we will see confirmation of these ideas everywhere, and we'll have great difficulty seeing the things that contradict our thoughts. All this means that space is a map, and that it is at least as subjective as it is objective (if objectivity and subjectivity were comparable at all).

Like a map, our perception isn't just our registration of the state of the world, of ‘how things are now’, but it is ultimately a list of things we can do in the world, an array of buttons for us to push. Space is a structure of our options, the actions we can take, and things show themselves in particular as things we can use. Again, our perception tells us something about the world and about ourselves, because how we can use things is dependent on our capabilities. While a ladder might enable an adult human person to climb up, it doesn't allow a baby to do so. These relations between subjects and things are usually called affordances.



The fact that our perception is a spatial map of things we can do, that space is a structure of our affordances, adds a richer meaning to the term distance: distance is a measure of the anticipated effort required to perform a certain action or to reach a certain goal. Proximity has to do with usefulness, and the reward or peril that we anticipate.



There is a feedback system at work here. Humans are not passive observers of reality: we shape it. The space of our life world is a map of possible actions, and with the actions that we execute, we in turn influence the life world, and what we can do next, and so on. Of course our actions influence both the life world itself, as well as how we and others perceive it. Humans act in the world and transform it both physically (by constructing buildings, developing infrastructures, and organizing (social) environments) and intellectually (through our belief systems, education programs, politics and laws, media, arts, and advertisements). Physical and intellectual shaping are intrinsically related: physical properties determine our beliefs and vice versa.

Humans have always been doing these kinds of world-shaping, developing both themselves and society, and creating institutions, traditions, conventions, regulations and leaders in the process. The relatively recent process of the virtualization (or rather computational mediation) of the life world is a process composed out of human actions as well, and in it we’ve changed our world remarkably. What we have done in this process of computational mediation of the life world is rearrange or reconfigure the spaces that we live in. As computational systems have become more and more efficient, distances have become smaller and, a distance being a measure of anticipated required effort to complete a certain action, actions have become tremendously easier to perform.

Communication techniques as simple as morse code and as complex as instant messaging have opened ‘worm holes’ in the network of distances between objects and locations of those objects. We have greatly expanded our reach into the universe (at least from the scale of our homes or villages to the scale of our planet), and are now capable of 'using' objects that we previously had to undertake long journeys to to reach: we can talk to family at the other side of the planet as though they are sitting next to us, we can order products that are regional specialities of regions far away, and all these actions require less effort than even very primary tasks like talking to our neighbours or buying our daily groceries used to cost in the past.

It is in this sense that our world has become a global village and that we are living in a networked society. Sometimes it seems like we can be at multiple places at the same time, but a better way to put it would be that space isn't lineair but that it has multidimensional curves, jumps, warms, splits, joints etc. that are determined by our access to or use of it. And if we seem to be at multiple places at the same time, it may be the case that we ourselves are not the simple human beings that we used to be.

It has always been difficult to determine where we end and where the world begins; for a blind person, his stick is a very important part of his body, and for a person with glasses, they are a serious powerup to his eyes, allowing him to see further, and with more sharpness and detail. But consequently, and more importantly, these enhancements allow them to do more. We've also externalized parts of our memory and thinking to machines in the form of data warehouses and server farms. We have become much closer entangled with the world, and our relationship with other things in the world, including technology, has become much more intimate than before.

The effects of the increasing computational mediation of our life world, the fact that distances have become smaller, actions have become easier to perform, and our reach into the world has simultaneously become more intimate and more widely spread, are that the world has become more personal to us, and it is from this personalization that gamification of our spaces benefits most, because that what is more personalized does better fit our personal situation, and is therefore easier to perform. This personalization speeds up all kinds of learning and development, both of ourselves and of the world.



-game of be gamed (rules personalized, is this fair game?)

-the world becomes more personal (we become more integrated) [200]

-personalization is most effective in learning, not only in the traditional domain of education (schools) but especially outside of it as well (in context, learn at the obstacle itself)

-personal preference

-skill level

-adaptive to life flow

->project of self [100]


-contextual (environment)

-when we develop the world, we also develop ourselves [100]

-we learn in context (our experience increases with the experience of the world, like when you walk a path in the forest; the path is a manifestation of the experience the forest has with wanderers).

-learning has become more fun [100]

-serious goals have not changed (we still need food etc.) [100]




During our daily lives, our space is often limited to serious needs: we need food,

we need a home; we need to make a living. But when we have time to play a

game, we have a lot more freedom in the choice of which actions we execute.

This is why playing a game could be characterized as a voluntary attempt to

overcome unnecessary obstacle(s) [ref: Bernard Suits -- The Grasshopper: Games,

Life and Utopia]. Learning is most effective with challenges that are within reach,

but that are located just outside your our usual reach. These challenges used to

be available primarily in the exercise of training and playing, outside of our daily

life. But with gamification, the use of techniques from games (such as avatars,

goals, (experience) points, badges, teams, turns etc.), it is possible to integrate

these challenges more directly into daily human lives.



Serious games are concrete games that are used in the context of our daily lives

to improve these daily lives and help solve problems. They can help us choose

directions, give us guidance and monitor our progress; they can help us making

decisions and shield us from the dangers of failure by providing built-in levels

of protection. This way, self-engineering and social engineering become part

of the same process towards Utopia, the ideal (or at least improved) structure

of the human life world. Because modern gamification techniques allow for

immersive, personalized the learning process (adapted to personal identity, daily

routine, learning speed etc.), these games are in some sense new rituals, in which

humans work, play and live together to improve and solve serious problems.

Because these games are highly personalized, lower penalties on failure, improve

engagement (lower effort), improve loyalty and commitment, and as a result

improve efficiency of improvement. This makes it easier to do what is really

important and learn doing the right thing.

-gamification can lower penalties on failure (protect the people who fail)

-stimulate exploration (stimulate diversity and creative solutions)

-game dynamics will impact social conventions

-align the goals of society and individuals (do the right thing)


-examples of learning/gamification in spaces:

-indoor maps


-building design


-DANGER: guidance can become monitoring, can limit freedom as well


-new forms of gamification (A) are more personalized, (B) allow failure, retry, (C) stimulate learning

-games are different from daily life, yet they have always been a welcome distraction from it, and had their function




-merging of physical and virtual worlds leads to more personalization

-game or be gamed

-games as new rituals

-personalized life worlds facilitate learning and development (through contextualization, adapting to personal skills/levels, measuring progress/status)

-in the end, life is still a serious endeavour -> we'll have to accept not everything will be fun, or we'll be disappointed

-we'll have to be aware of the risks and downsides of gamification (because we want to play, not be played with)

-our life world changes, and in this change, through social games, new rituals may emerge (if the social component would be absent, individualization may lead to each person living in his own world, and conventions may not be accepted anymore

-we have to be aware of the behaviour we'll be learning with each game we play; is this really the behaviour we want for ourselves and society?