Reasons Why Craig Ferguson Is A Cat

Reasons Why Craig Ferguson Is Totally A Cat

On June 1st, 2013, Craig changed his tweety avatar to the above image of a Scottish Fold kitten wearing a tartan tam*, which reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend about how Craig is totally a cat, and that’s the real reason why he hates cats – because they remind him too much of himself! Haha! So, with that thought in mind, this happened:

  • Reasons why Craig is totally a cat: Dogs want to please you. Cats don’t give a shit and mainly want to please themselves. :P
  • 8:18 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cat credo: What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine, too.
  • 8:17 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats are tenter towards their young. #awwwww
  • 8:11 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A cat has no problem ripping at the toilet paper roll for hours, because he thinks it's funny.
  • 8:10 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: When some cats get together, they try to one-up each other.
  • (ex: LOL
  • 8:09 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A cat can completely destroy a room, but bug out at one speck on its fur.
  • 7:54 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats will attack a totally harmless object, then lose interest if it just lies there. Hahaha…
  • 7:38 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats are possessive and like to mark their territory.
  • (1:30 here:
  • 7:37 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A cat will paw at you gently before suddenly slapping you in the face on a whim. ("Why did I say that, I don't even know so & so!")
  • 7:31 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats like giving back-handed compliments, like bringing you some nice dead thing. (Hahaha!)
  • 7:24 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats will toy endlessly with you, before they finish you off.
  • 7:24 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A startled cat can launch itself vertically over no threat at all.
  • (2:07 here: LOL)
  • 7:23 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats will flatter-rub your legs to get what they want, then smirk behind your back. :P
  • 7:21 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats need to be fed regularly, treated kindly, and given lots of care. XD
  • 7:20 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats hiss when they're mad or scared.
  • 7:20 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats are easily distracted by shiny baubles.
  • 7:19 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats will snuggle up to you and purr their faces off, all the while secretly plotting your demise.
  • 7:11 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats are much smarter than they let on.
  • 7:10 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A cat will play with the same ratty toy for years. (Do we have a picture of...) *hyena laughing*
  • 7:08 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs will charge and fight. Cats... well... okay... but if I get hurt, I'm totally milking it!
  • 7:00 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs can endure hardship and discomfort. Cats are like, "Oh, hell, no, girlfriend! Fuck this shit - I'm outta here!"
  • 6:59 AM Jun 2nd
  • Cats are planning world domination. #RobotSkeletonSidekickAndArmyIsntACoincidence
  • 6:56 AM Jun 2nd retweeted by bgrhubarb
  • RWCITAC: Cats make lady-cats scream, when they mate. (Ahahahaha!)
  • 6:58 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Cats inexplicably love things you just can't stand. (Helloooo, Kathy and Chelsea.)
  • 6:56 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A cat notices every little detail, but might purposely ignore it. (Or stores the info away for future use.)
  • 6:55 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: A dog can ignore things, a cat is totally curious about everything.
  • 6:53 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs enjoy whatever you want to do. When a cat is bored, you'll know it. (Ex: "I read it and just lost the will to live." ROFLMAO!)
  • 6:40 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC, except for when he's not... LOL! RT: @_wolfspirit: Cats defy gravity. Craig on the other hand... #Slide #Horse #Balls #TakeYourPick
  • 6:36 AM Jun 2nd
  • Cats like to lick themselves. #youSetmeup
  • 6:24 AM Jun 2nd retweeted by bgrhubarb
  • Cats are limber. #Yoga
  • 6:25 AM Jun 2nd retweeted by bgrhubarb
  • RWCITAC: Dogs don't care how they look. Cats are always checking themselves out, like a certain someone who's always checking the monitor. :P
  • 6:28 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC addendum: Does my hair look weird? Do I look tired to you? Is my tie too short/long/fat/skinny? Does my collar look weird?
  • 6:44 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs are pretty steady. Cats are random; they can turn on a dime. (Again: #zigzaggingmofo)
  • 6:24 AM Jun 2nd
  • You call a dog, he comes running. You call a cat, he takes a message and thinks about calling you back later.
  • 6:21 AM Jun 2nd retweeted by bgrhubarb
  • RWCITAC: Dogs are self-effacing. Cats are hella vain! Dogs like physical activity, cats are bone lazy. *gigglesnort*
  • 6:23 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs forgive easily. Cats hold a grudge and will pay your ass back eventually. XD
  • 6:20 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs validate you. Cats are snarky. (Bwahaha!)
  • 6:19 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs are pretty easy going. Cats are testy and unpredictable. #zigzaggingchainyankingmofo
  • 6:16 AM Jun 2nd
  • RWCITAC: Dogs give you all their attention; cats want all your attention. Until they don't, get pissed off at you mid-pet, and paw-smack you.
  • 6:14 AM Jun 2nd
  • Reasons why Craig is totally a cat: Cats have lovely soft hair, suitable for petting, and are often heart-meltingly adorable.
  • 6:10 AM Jun 2nd

Additional reasons why Craig is totally a cat:

  • His "riverboat gambler" nickname is "Cat Dander."
  • Cats thrive on attention, but it must be on their own terms.
  • Cats keep their playful side well into adulthood.
  • People who love cats really LOVE cats.
  • Cats are bred to be adorable and have been called "weapons of mass cuteness."
  • Watching videos of cats makes people happy.
  • Cats are naturally "cool."
  • Cats have a reputation as being aloof and arrogant, but they're naturally communicative and entertaining.
  • Cats can be grumpy and adorable at the same time.
  • If you stroke a cat in the correct way, it will pretend to like you.

Videos of Craig imitating a cat:

* In the original/larger version of this photo, the kitten is also wearing a kilt.