About this website and Sticky...

About this website:

Website created because...

CraigyFlogs: I've found that CBS's list of Craig's stand-up dates tends not to be updated as frequently as I would like. And since I don't often have as much time as I'd like to properly flog Craig's stand-up on the tweety, one central place to have all of the dates and links listed works for me.

CraigyFaq: The FAQ came about because, as I read through the tweets that people send to Craig (Yes, I do that.), I often notice a pattern of questions that people ask. Questions that are often general knowledge, for anyone that's been watching him for any length of time, or Common Sense things, for anyone for whom Common Sense has not already died a slow and agonizing death.

Faneuil Hall Speech: I love that speech. If it were legal to marry an inanimate object, even something as intangible as the human voice, I would have Faneuil Hall Speech in front of a JP in a flash. (I have been "twitter married" to Faneuil Hall Speech, in a ceremony performed by my Watson, @Fergufool, but I don't think that counts.) It's a beautiful and inspiring speech, and is such a hopeful and heartfelt look at America, from a man who loves this country so much -- despite whatever faults we may have -- and the opportunities, and the freedoms we have here ("Free to succeed; free to fail. Free to be generous; free to be mean-spirited. Free to be happy; or free to be miserable."), that he desired to become a citizen himself. Seeing this speech never fails to fill my heart with pride and joy.

By the way, this speech is available as one of the extras on Craig's stand-up DVD, released in 2009, called "A Wee Bit o' Revolution." You can purchase this DVD -- and I highly recommend it -- at fine video stores everywhere, or at online dealers, such as Amazon.com. (DVD / MP3 Album)

Other Craigy Vids: These are a collection of shows, monologues, or other Craig speeches (other than Faneuil Hall) that I find inspiring, hilarious, or clips that I just find delightful in every way.

StickyProject: As someone who regularly scrolls through the tweets that people send to Craig, I notice that people who get blocked by Craig often wonder why. Or they get upset that he blocked them, thinking their tweet to him "wasn't that bad." Well, take heed: Craig has high standards and a very low tolerance for mean people. (As he should. As ALL of us should, really.) Just the slightest bit of negative in your tweet could get you blocked. Don't believe me? Check this section of the site to hear it in his own words.

Prior Shows: History is always fun, so I've added a list of Craig's past stand-up dates with location and venue. If you have any you'd like to add, let me know! Would love to fill in the list starting with the good old days of Tommy T's. :)

Website created using...

Google Sites (obviously), which I find very limiting and somewhat more confusing than just html-ing my way through on my own. So if you see any words out of place and such, feel free to keep it to yourself. :)

About me:

Name: Sticky, if I like you. "Hey," if I don't.

I am in no way affiliated with Craig Ferguson, CBS, or The Late Late Show. I repeat: I am in no way affiliated with Craig Ferguson, CBS, or The Late Late Show.

Ask me stuff here, if you want. --> Tweety page: @bgrhubarb