The Month of March and the Significanc of the Holy Biblical Scriptural Number 3 – The Power of The Holy Trinity – SJGS KfA Mawuvi, President of The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries – SJGMM

Post date: Mar 20, 2014 8:46:36 PM


Holy Trinity Power Symbol, The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries – SJGMM


MARCH and the Power of Holy Biblical Scriptural Number 3 – The Power of the Holy Trinity – SJGS Mawuvi

As I shared in previous Messages, the influence of Numbers and their Essence are so emphatic in the very process of Creation of the Universe [of which limited human science is still largely inadequate to fully fathom] and the Creation of Humans to the degree that the Numbers guide Time, Creation, Human Birth, Life Journey, Passing into Eternity are quantified and qualified in Numbers. From our Dates of Birth, Birth Certificates, Ages, Possessions, Qualifications, Days of the Week, Years, Seasons, Decades, Jubilees, Millennia, Financial Wealth, Weight, Height, Number of Children, Siblings, School Mates ad infinitum are all Numbered. What an insight for Greater Understanding of the Purpose of Human Life. There is no doubt that Creation, the Universe and All Human Lives are Inseparably Intertwined with Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology and Arithmetic. Please keep in mind this is not to say that Numbers rule us, but to state that they play a significant part in Human Life, Creation of the Universe and so a mark of Divine Enlightenment, tool for Total Liberation and Holistic Triumph.

The Urban Dictionary defines the power of three as “The combined powers of three entities, upon such combination not only increase their power by three, but much greater. The Power of Three is symbolized by a ‘triquetra’, a Celtic pattern that shows the centre of three connected circles.”

“Wherever we find a promise of God, we have this assistance: the faithfulness of the Father, the grace of the Son, and the power of the Spirit. All three are engaged for our preservation.” — John Owen

When we pass through the waters, let us trust the Father will be faithful. In our time of need, let us draw near Christ, on the throne of grace, for help. And when we pass through the fire, let us seek the power of our helper, the Holy Spirit.

Our faithful Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father, Gracious Saviour, and Empowering Spirit – All 3 persons of the Trinity, engaged to help us. The ultimate Power of Three.

Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology number 3 stands for the Trinity, trine and triad which are the three dimensions namely, Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or Ghost. In a broader way, the Holy Bible number 3 symbolizes growth and multiplication. There were three disciples of God- Peter, John and James- who accompanied The Lord Christ Jesus to the garden of Gethsemane. These disciples symbolize light, love and life respectively. In the Holy Bible, The Lord Christ Jesus asked Peter “Lovest thou me?” three times that refer to the love over three surfaces of consciousness, namely, the Conscious mind, the Superconscious mind and the Subconscious mind.

It is also avers that if all the three planes of consciousness agrees to club together, the power of Christ will prevail. The Holy Biblical Number 3 is very vital in the story of The Lord Christ Jesus or one can say His story is a story of number 3. Jesus was denied by Peter thrice. He arose on 3 days after the Crucifixion. The Christ was crucified in between two thieves that symbolize the divine system of Faith and Belief. Twelve is the higher vibration of the number three and Jesus sat with twelve of his disciples. Further, Judas haggled for thirty silver pieces which resonates the Holy Biblical Number 3.

Summary Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology number 3 stands for the Trinity, Trine and Triad which are the three dimensions namely, Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or Ghost. In a broader way, the Holy Biblical Number 3 symbolizes growth and multiplication.

There were three disciples of God- Peter, John and James- who accompanied The Lord Christ Jesus to the garden of Gethsemane. These disciples symbolize light, love and life respectively. In the Holy Bible, The Lord Christ Jesus asked Peter “Lovest thou me?” three times that refer to the love over three surfaces of consciousness, namely, the conscious mind, the superconscious mind and the subconscious mind. It is also avers that if all the three planes of consciousness agrees to club together, the power of Christ will prevail.

The Holy Bible number 3 is very vital in the story of The Lord Christ Jesus or one can say His story is a story of number 3. Jesus was denied by Peter thrice and after three days he rose. He was crucified in between two thieves that symbolize the divine system of faith and belief. Twelve is the higher vibration of the number three and Jesus sat with twelve of his disciples. Moreover, Judas haggled for thirty silver pieces which is a figure that is relevant to Holy Biblical Number 3.


The Trinitarian Deity of The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father and Holy Biblical Scriptural Number 3:

The Highest Deity of The Supreme Jehovah GOD consists of 1. God the Father 2. God the Son, and 3. God the Holy Spirit The Lord Christ Jesus raised three folks from the clutches of death.

There were three major feasts in the Holy Bible- Tabernacle, Weeks and the unleavened bread. There were three gifts of the grace and also Jonah dwelled for three days inside a whale.

According to the Old testaments Holy Bible number three symbolizes the First Trinity that is Adam, Eve and the Child. It signifies expansion and expression.

The other Trinities surviving in this world are Body, Spirit and Soul and the three categories of Consciousness of the Mind i.e. Conscious, Superconscious and Subconscious of which we have already mentioned in the new testaments.

There are three archangels mentioned in the Holy Bible by name as Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Christians believe that the history of this world is bifurcated into three periods which are the Old Covenant, New covenant and the period that will start with the return of The Lord Christ Jesus. These are what we have regarded as Old and New testaments.

In the Holy Bible, The Lord Christ Jesus has been pictured in three varied shades of His personality in the form of a Shepherd. When he speaks about his death, he is regarded as a good shepherd, when he glorifies his merit, he is termed as Chief shepherd and lastly when he reveals about the resurrection, he is adjudged as a great Shepherd. The father of the Christ, the Supreme Deity, also addresses his believers and His son three times. This is how Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology Number 3 reveals the hidden meanings and interrelates various incidents occurring in the Holy Bible. There are several other meanings associated with this number in various verses of the Holy Bible that can help you a lot in understanding the Book.

In the Old Testament:

• It is the first of the 4 perfect numbers which are 3 (divine perfection); 7 (spiritual perfection); 10 (ordinal perfection); and 12 (governmental perfection). • The earth was separated from the waters on the 3rd day [Genesis 1:9-13] • There were three Patriarchs of the children of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel • There are three verses in the Priestly Blessing in which the Tetragrammaton, YHWH, God’s holy covenant name, appears three times [Numbers 6:24-26]. • Three times the angelic Seraphim cry “Holy, Holy, Holy” [Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8]. • After the Great Flood mankind descended from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. [Genesis 10:1-32] • Three “men” announced to Abraham that his barren wife would bear a son [Genesis 18:14]. • Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son after a three-day journey to Mt. Moriah [Genesis 22:1-4]. • Baby Moses was hidden by his mother for three months [Exodus 2:1] and the adult Moses requests of Pharaoh that he let Moses take his people on a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to their God [Exodus 3:18]. • There were three divisions of the desert Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem: the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies [Exodus 27:9; 26:1-30, 35-37; 31-34; 38:9-20; 21-31; 40:1-33; 1 Kings 6: 1-37]. • God is mentioned three times in the Shema, the Old Covenant profession of faith [Deuteronomy 6:4] and three times in the priestly blessing [Numbers 6:24-26]. • The three attributes of God mentioned in Exodus 33:18-19 are hen, rachum, and hesed (gracious, compassionate /merciful, and loving kindness). • Of the seven annual Holy Feasts of the Sinai Covenant, three are “pilgrim feasts” in which every man 13 years or older must present himself before God at His Sanctuary and later at the Temple in Jerusalem. This command is repeated three time in scripture [Exodus 23:14-17; 34:18-23; Deuteronomy 16:16] • Jonah spent three days in the belly of the great fish [Jonah 1:17]; Jonah took three days to journey across the city of Nineveh [Jonah 3:3]

In the New Testament:

• Jesus’ ministry lasted three years, covering three Passovers [John 2:13; 6:4; 11:55-12:1]. • Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months [Luke 1:56] • Jesus was missing for three days when He was 12 years old [Luke 2:46] • Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on the Mt. of Transfiguration [Matthew 17] • Jesus arose from the dead on the third day.[Genesis 1:9-13] • Saul was blinded for three days [Acts 9:9] • The theological virtues are faith, hope and charity [1 Corinthians 13:13] • The heavenly Jerusalem has three gates on each of its four sides [Revelation 21:13] • Christians saw three as symbolic of the Trinity, the triune nature of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Three is also recognized as the number of the Holy Spirit. In Addition: • There are three divisions of time: past, present, and future • There three persons in grammar • Thought, word, and deed complete the sum of human capacity.

There is no lacking of people who believe in the piousness of the numbers mentioned in the Holy Bible which suggests that the Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology and Arithmetic will never ever lose its relevance and applicability, no matter how hard the monopolisers of High Knowledge conspire to. There are many other numbers mentioned in the Holy Scriptures that reveal different mysteries about the Christian Faith and the study of these numbers and their patterns leads to a deeper understanding of this very important subject to which all can relate. Nothing can enlighten you better about the Christian Faith than Biblical Scriptures, packaged in the science and art of Godly Divine Numerology and Arithmetic.

Beloved, follows to state that if one develops a profound inquisitorial thirst for comprehensive knowledge about the significance, interpretations and applications of Biblical Scriptural Numbers and Arithmetic, the more potent one’s threshold of Enlightenment and grounding in the Wisdom of the Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father becomes.

As said in the introduction to the series on Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology and Arithmetic, the narrative of Divine Creation, which entails the Genesis of the Creation of Humans, are all earmarked by Numbers and Arithmetic, and each life is measured and impacted by Numbers, Dates, Heights, Weight, Age, Seasons, Minutes, Days, Months, Years, from Cradle to Eternity. The take away is that Holy Biblical Scriptural Numerology and Arithmetic, while ignored by many Clergy and Biblical Scholars, are integral to the fullness of Humans.

Consider how Dates of Birth and Deaths characterise, differentiate and particularise anybody’s Life. Consider that the numerical and arithmetic category of TIME, rules big time in the Universe of which the World is a part.

Consider the significance of the Birth and Death of The Lord Christ Jesus – Christmas and Easter for the World of Believers and Unbelievers who celebrate either as HOLYDAYS or Holidays. Consider that Numbers are part of the DNA of every Creation. Consider that Bible is structured in Numerical frameworks of Numbers – Books, Chapters, Verses, Old and New Testaments. Consider that The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father created the whole Universe in 6 days and rested on the 7th day – i.e. in 1 Week, which has relevance for all other developments in the World.

Beloved, Divine Creation is more than Numbers and Arithmetic. There is a Qualitative substance to Creation, the Universe, the World and Human Life. Equally important is the Consciousness that Numbers and Arithmetic are integral to the fabric of the Seen and the Unseen World of Divine Creation, its Abstract Spiritual Realms which are reflected and mirrored in the Observable Physical Substance. A Holistic view of Divine Creation which involves deserved Space, Recognition, Acknowledgement and Respect given to Unquantifiable and Quantifiable equips oneself with the Liberation from sophomoric, immature, half-baked knowledge to Mature Divine Enlightenment for a more Triumphant Life.

To your Holy Biblical Spiritual Numerological and Arithmetic Enlightenment and Holistically Triumphant Life!

Praise The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father. Halleluiah!

SJGS KFA Mawuvi                                                                                                                        

President of The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries – SJGMM