Iraq Christians flee as Islamic State takes Qaraqosh - Who is Protecting the Persecuted Christians in the Islamic World? Why are the World's Leading Clergy Quiet about this Religious Cleansing? Jehovah GOD Intervene - SJGS Mawuvi, Corpus Jehovah President

Post date: Aug 07, 2014 2:7:22 PM

Militants of the group Islamic State now control vast swathes of territory in Iraq and northern Syria

Up to a quarter of Iraq's Christians are reported to be fleeing after Islamic militants seized the minority's biggest town in the country.

The Islamic State (IS) group captured Qaraqosh in Nineveh province overnight after the withdrawal of Kurdish forces.

Meanwhile, the UN says some of the 50,000 members of the Yazidi religious minority trapped by IS on Mount Sinjar have been rescued.

IS controls parts of Iraq and Syria and says it has created an Islamic state.

Nineveh, located 400km (250 miles) north-west of Baghdad, is home to a large number of religious minorities.

Tens of thousands have been forced to flee since the Islamist rebels launched their onslaught in the north in June.

In other developments

Christian 'catastrophe'

A majority of Nineveh inhabitants left their homes overnight, according to Fraternite en Irak, an international Christian organisation based in Paris.

As many as 100,000 people are believed to be fleeing toward the autonomous Kurdistan Region.

Kurdish forces, known as the Peshmerga, have been fighting the IS militants' advance for weeks.

The Peshmerga's commander in Qaraqosh reportedly told the town's archbishop late on Wednesday that the forces were abandoning their posts.

Several senior clergymen in Nineveh confirmed the town had fallen.

"It's a catastrophe, a tragic situation: tens of thousands of terrified people are being displaced as we speak," said Joseph Thomas, the Chaldean archbishop of the northern city of Kirkuk.

Eyewitnesses in Qaraqosh said IS militants were taking down crosses in churches and burning religious manuscripts.

The town - referred to as Iraq's Christian capital - is located 30km south-east of the city of Mosul, which was captured by IS in June.

Iraq's minorities

Iraq's Christian population has plummeted in recent years



Iraq: The minorities of Nineveh

Yazidi eyewitness: 'They want to slaughter us'

Last month, hundreds of Christian families fled Mosul after the Islamist rebels gave them an ultimatum to convert to Islam or face death.

Iraq is home to one of the world's most ancient Christian communities, but numbers have dwindled amid growing sectarian violence since the US-led invasion in 2003.

Meanwhile, the UN said it was mobilising resources to assist Yazidis rescued from Mount Sinjar over the past 24 hours.

Members of the religious group sought refuge there after IS overran the nearby town of Sinjar at the weekend.

Almost 200,000 civilians have been displaced from the town, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has warned.

Those trapped on the mountain are facing dehydration, and 40 children are reported to have died already.

"This is a tragedy of immense proportions, impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people," UN spokesman David Swanson said. "Many of the displaced are in immediate need of essential life-saving humanitarian items, including water, food, shelter and medicine."