Holy Easter Fire Resurrection Power, SJGS KfA Mawuvi, President, The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries, Missionaries, Partnership & Foundation

Post date: Apr 19, 2014 2:34:32 PM

The Lord Christ Jesus was excluded, stigmatised, verbally and physically violated, denied, betrayed, rejected, undermined, blackmailed, sabotaged and ridiculed only to permanently defeat satan and a satanised, secularised world order to be crowned at the Right Hand of Almighty Jehovah GOD Creator of the Universe and Giver of Life and All things Good.

Human dimensions may have excluded you, but you are INCLUDED IN HIM WHO MATTERS MOST - THE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY TRINITY - JEHOVAH GOD THE FATHER, SON & THE HOLY SPIRIT. Humans may have betrayed you, but you have the Blessed Assurance of The Supreme Jehovah GOD of Creation.

Have you suffered similar and been excluded by limited and temporary human world systems?

Have you been betrayed by those you thought had your back covered, friends, confidants, siblings, relatives, work colleagues?

Have those you have generously helped along Life's journey ungratefully turned the tables on you?

Have those you were there for viciously lied against you and wickedly gossiped about you at your back?

Have you been disrespected in any way including stigmatised, plotted against by mere humans with over-bloated egos?

Take heart and take no notice of their foolish pride. You are not alone.

Just look at The Christ Experience and Example. Christ was excluded to be Exalted beyond the wildest dreams of his satanic crucifiers.

Most child-births are preceded with contractions, discomfort and nakedness.

Though weeping, ridicule, sabotage, undermine, betrayal may endure in the night, but JOY comes in the Morning.

It does not matter whether Easter was a former pagan celebration or that Easter Sunday is not quite 3 days from Easter Friday to make up for the Resurrection after 3 days and 3 nights following The Crucifixion. Fact is the tomb of Christ is empty - A Sign of the Victory in Crucifixion, Betrayal, Stigmatisation, Vile Gossip, Condescension and All forms of Injustice.

What matters is that you keep focus on the Cross, submit all your personal crucifixions by your betrayers unto the Lord in earnest expectation of the Miracles of your Resurrection.  

Look up onto the Cross and celebrate those moments of Crucifix Exclusions in Prayer, Supplications, Meditation and ThanksGiving - making our requests known unto The LORD, because they are SET UPS for our Triumphs, Victories in all strands of life.  

HOLY EASTER and May the Shalom of The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father of Creation be upon you and yours. Amen.

SJGS KfA Mawuvi


The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries, Missionaries, Partnership and Foundation