Mustard Seed FAITH Revolution - Coming Soon, Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries

Post date: Sep 26, 2013 6:57:18 PM




The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries – SJGM Announcing Mustard-Seed Revolution 2013, towards Faith as a Triumphant Lifestyle.

Check back soon!!!


Mustard-Seed FAITH Revolution for Holistic Liberation, Freedom and Triumph Coming your way soon. Just what you have been waiting for!

There is nothing ordinary about Faith. Faith is always Extraordinary and commands similar mission-like attention and belief.

Divine Excellent FAITH as has never been shared with you before Now To be Revealed Soon.

Make 2013 your Destined Year of Unmasking the Secret of Faith Revealed.


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The Creator Jehovah GOD loves you. Keep Believing in Excellent FAITH.


SJGS Mawuvi