Savage Islamic State Militants Abducted at least 70 Christians, including Women & Children in the Capture of Northeastern Syrian Village - Corpus Jehovah | Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries, Universal Christian Human Rights Chambers of Excellence [UCHRC]

Post date: Feb 26, 2015 4:48:18 PM

ISIS Criminal Gangs Capture 70 Christians in Syria - 24 Feb 2015


Islamic State militants abducted at least 70 Christians, including women and children, as they captured villages in northeastern Syria, according to two human rights organizations on Tuesday 24th February 2015. 

The terrorist group Monday swept through Christian villages along the banks of the Khabur River, near the town of Tal Tamr in the Hassakeh province.

ISIS fighters have taken between 70 and 100 Assyrian Christians captive, said activist group A Demand For Action. The organization's report was based on conversations with villagers who fled the attacks.

The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus Jehovah, which established the Universal Christian Human Rights Chambers[UCHRC] has "condemned ISIS activities as savage, barabric and satanic that do not represent any True Religion". In a Statement from its International Chancellery, Corpus Jehovah's UCHRC makes clear that "capturing unarmed Christians, terrorising and sometimes beheading them are far from acts of bravery or heroism. These are Crimes of Humanity being committed by Primitive, Confused, Misguided and Desperate Criminal Gangs under the guise of Religion, who must rapidly repent of their crimes and seek salvation if they are have any wisdom left. Let us not kid ourselves, these are Satanists who terrorise vulnerable and innocent Citizens - this is exactly how satan works. We must emphasize that these are acts in the Name of Satan not The Almighty GOD of Creation the Grand Benefactor of Precious Life."  

Corpus Jehovah's Universal Christian Human Rights Chambers [UCHRC] statement continues that "the assumption of ISIS that Western Governments are Christian is fundamnetally flawed and shows the intellectual infantalism of the Criminal ISIS Jihadists. Besides the Vatican, there is no government in the West that is Christian. All Western Governments are Secular and Christians do not weild Political Power. There are a few Elected Religious Politicians in the West and they come from All Religions. Those who hold Political Power in the West are Secularists who are predominantly Atheists. We refer to the Church of England's recent Report on Politics to the British Government which received negative, condescending reaction from Politicians. On these accounts, the ISIS Policy of targetting Christians in the Gulf States, United States & Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and Africa is grossly misconceived, miscalculated and a baseless vengeance in vain and futility because it would not attain the policy objective of establishing an Islamic State. We therefore ask ISIS to stop terrorising Christians who like the World's Peaceful Moslem Communities, have the right to Freedom of Religion and Worship. That said, the critical matter at issue is that of Observance of Fundamental Human Rights and International Law which every Human Being, Groups of Persons, countries must Respect." 

A Syrian Nun lights candles inside the Church of Mar Taqla in Village Maalula, North of Damascus - 24th Feb 2015

British group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported on the attack but estimated the number of captives at 90.

Most of the captives came from the village of Tal Shamiram, about 50 miles southwest of the Hassakeh provincial capital of Qamishli, both groups reported.

About 3,000 people have escaped and taken refuge in the cities of Hassakeh and Qamishli. Relatives of those still in the villages said that all lines of communication there have been cut.

It is not yet known what ISIS plans to do with the captives or if any have been injured. The jihadist group might try to use the captives in a trade for prisoners with the Christian and Kurdish militias it has been battling in northeastern Syria.

ISIS recently released a video of its radicals beheading 21 Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya, North Africa.