REMEMBRANCE DAY & Its Significance | Triumph of Good Over Evil - Rev Dr Koku Foli Adomdza HRH, Chancellor, President & Principal Fellow

Post date: Nov 08, 2015 2:54:22 PM

The Significance of REMEMBRANCE DAY | Triumph of Good Over Evil

Remembrance Day is ''Lest We Forget' Alert for SUSTAINABLE PEACE, to prevent repetition of the same mistakes that led to the World Wars and other Wars. The best way of celebrating it is Individual Commitment to the Philosophy, Practice and Lifestyle of PEACE, and for Leaders to desist from reckless decisions that trigger Cycles of needless violence which eventually put Citizens in harms way.

Remembrance Day interrogates and puts the focus back on the at best mediocre Institutions of Soft Power / Diplomacy; and at best their incompetence in preserving The PEACE. Remembrance Day highlights the need to subject status quo Diplomacy to a Cost-Benefit Analysis to establish what value there is to Citizens and what Fundamental Review and Restructuring is required. 

The Enlightenment starts from the Respect for the Sanctity of ALL HUMAN LIVES - nothing less.

We ask for SPECIAL Prayers for The Armed Forces, Serving Men and Women, All Veterans and their Families, surviving Relatives of the Fallen and for the Divine PEACE of The CREATOR JEHOVAH GOD, to shower upon ALL HUMANKIND. Amen. 

Office of the Chancellor, International Chancellery, Corpus JEHOVAH Fellowship Institutes, Corpus JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries