CPLHG Archival Database

Dr Neville Buch has designed an electronic database system to digitalise the Coopers Plains Local History Group Archive. Over the next year or so, the archive will be scanned and maintained as an electronic database available for research. It operates by using numerous keyword fields for each item. The different types of keywords act as categories -- grouping the same keywords when you search a particular field -- without needing to create and maintaining endless number of electronic folders or group fields. Drop-down menus ensures consistency with keywords.

Dr Buch offers local history groups an archival a professional service to create and establish an archival database for computer filing and storage of digitalized documents and photographs, at a negotiated fee based on funding capacity. For further information, see the PDF attachment below.

The Coopers Plains Local History Group Digital Archive Design is available in two versions, the “Tab Screen” version, where the form is designed with the fields been distributed across five tab areas, and the “Wide Screen” version where the fields can be viewed all together on a wide-screen monitor. Click on the hyperlink term for instructions on the use of the Coopers Plains Local History Group Digital Archive. The notes can also be accessed from the navigation panel on this webpage.

Below are images of the database in the Tab Screen version, using a blank add-mode form view and edit-mode view for the basic search tool. An image of the Main Switchboard is also included.