Brisbane Southside History Network

The Coopers Plains Local History Group Inc is sponsoring a process to create the Brisbane Southside History Network.

The Proposal for a Brisbane Southside History Network is found here, but it is important to provide the following caveats:

  1. Our proposal is for the Brisbane Southside and our invitation is to those groups that naturally belong to the Southside;
  2. Local organisations inside the Southside are free to negotiate the details of the proposal in a process to form a network;
  3. Local organisations outside the Southside are free to work on their own network, or not, according what they would think would work for them;
  4. There is anticipated the possibility of a future confederation of regional networks, but nothing in our proposal necessitates such a future arrangement or any other.

The aim is to create a Network whose main activity was an annual talk-fest on common history between local history and environment organisations focused on areas on the Brisbane Southside.

The Proposal for a BSHN Common History Talk-Fest is here.