June by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

3.5/5 Stars

The last 150 pages of this book were intriguing, and I had a hard time putting the book down while reading those pages. I loved the eccentric characters and their personalities who deal with their flaws and pasts in ways that makes you feel. And honestly, I am always a sucker for decent mystery plot.

On the other hand (or why I gave this 3.5/5 stars), this book starts out slow. I didn't always want to pick it up, and there were parts that I wanted to skip. The main character, Cassie, is trying to connect the missing pieces in her grandmother's life (and find out the true paternity of her father). At the beginning of the book, the story jumps between Cassie (June 2015) and her grandmother, June, (June 1955). Cassie sees some of her grandmother's life in her dreams. Did you just laugh at that? I did. It was the most unrealistic part. For the first part of this book, I had a hard time jumping between the two stories. Don't let this hinder you, though. There were parts that I loved, and I definitely will recommend this book to a few my realistic fiction- loving friends.

9780553447682 (125Ă—185)

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.