1981 - Preludios Epigramáticos, Nos. 1-6

Preludios Epigramaticos.

    1. "Desde que el alba quiso ser alba, toda eres madre" ["As you are wholly woman, so the dawn wishes to be dawn"]

    2. "Tristes hombres si no mueren de amores" ["Sad men, if they don't die of love"]

    3. "Alrededor de tu piel, ato y desato la mia" ["Surrounded by your skin, mine is tied and untied"]

    4. "Rié, que todo ríe: que todo es madre leve" ["Laugh, everything laughs, all is mother of levity"]

    5. "Me cogiste el corazón y hoy precipitas su vuelo" ["You caught the flight of my heart and today hurled it down"]

    6. "Llegó con tres heridas: la del amor, la de la muerte, la de la vita" ["I endure with three wounds: that of love, that of death, that of life"]