Routine Mastectomies Improve Women's Health

By Susan Notamotua

Since being mastectomied is so much healthier, you might be wondering why aren't more people mastectomied. Well let's be honest here, for an adult the prospect of surgery can be a little daunting. Even when someone completely agrees that it is better to be mastectomied they still may be hesitant about getting the procedure done. So what can we do to ensure that more people get all the benefits of being mastectomied?

The answer, of course, is to perform the procedure on them when they are babies, since that way they can't refuse. Plus since they won't be able to remember it being done, they may possibly even go their whole life without ever realizing any part of them was removed. Even if they do learn about it, all of the things they have ever heard during the rare times infant mastectomy was discussed in our culture, was how much better it is to be mastectomied and how much problems can happen to unmastectomied women, so they will likely be defensive about their mastectomied state and not bother to research it further before consenting to the procedure for their own daughter.

Amputation of a healthy body part makes lots of sense when you consider how unmastectomied women are at greater risk of developing cancer. How many of us know a woman whose cancer could have been fully prevented or cured if only she had had a timely mastectomy? Of course there are many unmastectomied women who never get cancer or even if they do it is treatable in non-amputative ways, but really do you want to allow your daughter to take that chance?

Also mastectomied females are easier to keep clean because of removing those hard-to-wash redundant skinfolds. While yes most of us do have access to soap and running water, it just isn't realistic in today's busy world to expect people to take the time to clean themselves adequately, but with a simplified streamlined external body, keeping clean is no problem at all.

Now it is true that no medical organization anywhere recommends routine infant mastectomies, but most do go on to say in their policy statements, that it is ok for parents to consider cultural factors. Like in my family, infant mastectomies are a proud tradition now for several generations and it is important to me that my daughter look like me. If my daughter wasn't mastectomied she may someday ask questions about why she has a body part that I don't have and this would make me feel uncomfortable.

Where I live mastectomied girls are so common these days that if you don't get your daughter mastectomied she may feel different or even be made fun of especially in the locker room. Teaching kids about accepting other's differences is too time-consuming. It is much more practical to teach your kid conformity. Being part of the group is so important, that any sensible parent can see that cutting off a useless part of their daughter's body just so she can fit in, definitely makes sense.

Now there are some people who say that the body part in question actually does useful things, but I don't believe that since I was mastectomied at birth and I don't feel in any way less of a woman. I don't feel like I am missing anything since I never even had a chance to try it out before it was taken away. It is difficult to miss what you don't remember having, which is why forcing mastectomies on women when they are babies is so important because if they actually got to try out their complete body they might actually want to stay that way and we can't allow that to happen.

Please don't let your daughter keep her all of her body she was born with. As her parent, her body belongs to you and you have the right to cut off healthy functional body parts of hers that you don't like. It is just so obvious that the design of the female body is inherently flawed and requires immediate amputative surgical correction to achieve optimum perfection.


Do the reasons used to encourage you to cut off part of your daughter’s body, sound familiar to you? Those same reasons were/will be used to encourage you to cut off part of your son's body. Here watch this news story:


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