What Is The Meaning of Life

Sorry to report, there is no meaning to life, you start from the random meeting of one egg and one of a million spermazoa and when you die, your molecules return to the random nothingness from which they came.

The brief sojourn between those two events is only meaningful to the extent that your make it creative. Otherwise, in a thousand years, no one will even know you existed.

Consider this, the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years, exceeds ordinary human comprehension...right? a time interval vastly greater than all of human history. Another thousand times farther takes us to distant cluster of galaxies, but even then, that would be less than one ten-thousandths of a percent of the observable Universe. We are mere specks in an abyss of time and space.

The search for a meaning in life is analogous to medical quackery because we are allowing superstition and inefficacious conduct to usurp our rational means of dealing with our environment. A search for a meaning or a purpose in our life will impair our opportunity to lead rational, effective lives in a manner consistent with the innate nature of man.

A futile search for an elusive meaning prevents us from correctly aligning ourselves with Objective Reality. It will frustrate our ability to achieve the only real success in life: Optimal, lasting happiness.


"Our Sun is to the Universe what a Grain of Sand is to all the Beaches on Earth. From the Perspective of the Universe, Man does not exist"