HB14-1154 Update/history

HB 14-1154: Update and history

March 18, 2014

Next week, Rep. Fischer will assign a bill-drafting attorney to take our collected changes to the measure. She will prepare for Rep. Fischer the revised version the Appropriations Committee will hear in the coming weeks. Lawmakers are awaiting the March revenue forecast on Tuesday, March 18. Rep. Fischer reminds us that the forecast sets the stage for final preparation of the Long (budget) Bill that the House will take up on March 25. Following that, House bills that went to Appropriations will start to move. Bills will move extremely fast after adoption of the Long Bill.

There will be no opportunity for public comment at the Appropriations committee hearing because it is not the committee of reference for our bill. This is why is imperative that we write to members of the Appropriations Committee asap. In those letters, be authentic and tell your side of the story. These appeals to pathos are much appreciated by decision-makers at the Capitol.

March 14, 2014

Suzanne Hudson, Don Eron and Caprice Lawless from the AAUP Colo. Conf. meet with AFT Colorado President Ellen Slatkin at AFT Headquarters near the Capitol. Slatkin’s input has been invaluable, given her experience with faculty rights at Metropolitan State University and elsewhere throughout Colorado. Many on her staff, especially Sol Malick, are lobbying hard on our behalf each week as part of their ongoing legislative endeavors at the Capitol.

Following the meeting, further refinements are made to the bill predicated on the suggestions of many with whom we had previously met.

March 14, 2014

Many AAUP members from across the state gather at Colorado State University for an AAUP meeting focused on Faculty Rights and Organizing for Change. AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum and Northwest Coordinator Scott Clifthorne both discussed the national attention on HB14-1154. Numerous representatives from CSU-Ft. Collins, CSU-Pueblo, the University of Colorado, Metropolitan State University, Aims Community College and Front Range Community College attended.

March 7, 2014

The Boulder Daily Camera publishes an editorial by AAUP Colo. Conf. Exec. Cmte. Member Don Eron in support of the bill.

March 8, 2014

The Ft. Collins Coloradoan publishes an editorial by AAUP Colo. Conf. Co-President Stephen Mumme in support of the bill.

March 4, 2014

Members of Rep. Fischer’s team meet with Speaker of the House Mark Ferrandino. Speaker Ferrandino makes numerous suggestions to improve the bill.

Feb. 28, 2014

Members of the FRCC AAUP Chapter, Suzanne Hudson and Don Eron meet with Senate Majority Leader Rollie Heath. Senator Heath’s liaison has to find a larger room in the Capitol building when he sees the size of our group.

Feb. 25, 2014

Rep. Fischer, AAUP Colo. Conf. Co-President Stephen Mumme, AAUP Colo. Conf. Exec. Cmte. Members Don Eron and Suzanne Hudson, FRCC AAUP Chapter President Caprice Lawless, AFT Colorado President Ellen Slatkin, AFT Colorado Lobbyist Sol Malick, CCCS Lobbyist Moira Cullen (The Capstone Group), CCCS Lobbyist Mary Alice Mandarich, CCCS VP Finance and Administration Mark Superka and CCCS Assoc. VP for Human Resources Cynthia Hier meet at the Capitol to discuss the measure. The meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, extends to two hours. Mandarich opens the meeting by announcing there were only crumbs and there just aren’t enough crumbs to go around. Cullen does not want to discuss policy, only the fiscal note. Superka dismisses the AAUP analysis (and, by extension, the Joint Budget Committee’s, as well) stating the system is already run as efficiently as possible and there are no further efficiencies to be found. Mandarich explains that student services and financial aid offices are far more important to fund than are contingent wages.

Feb. 2014

A flurry of letters are published in the Ft. Collins Coloradoan and The Denver Post in support of the bill. KGNU radio interviews Rep. Randy Fischer and AAUP Colo.Conf. Exec. Cmte. Member Don Eron about the bill.

Feb. 21, 2014

The Denver Post editorial board runs an editorial denouncing the bill and the need for it at all.

Feb. 4, 2014

The Chronicle of Higher Education link runs a long story on the bill. Rep. Tim Dore, (R-64), who voted against the measure, is quoted as saying about CCCS contingent faculty: "They know what they are getting into," and, "No one, at the end of the day, puts a gun to their head and says take the job."

Feb. 3, 2014

Hearing for the bill before the State Affairs Committee, expected to take 1.5 hours, extends to four hours of testimony from dozens of supporters, faculty, former faculty and students, Colorado 9 to 5 and the American Association of University Women. A handful of CCCS administrators and one SBCCOE board member speak against the bill. AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum testifies link in favor of the bill, presenting the committee with an eight-page report describing how modest changes in the rates of growth in various departments could provide adequate funding for the bill without dipping into the CCCS reserves, raising tuition or closing any programs.

Feb. 2014

FRESC Link to FRESC, a prominent group promoting living wages for all workers, joins the HB 14-1154 coalition.

Jan. 17, 2014

Rep. Randy Fischer holds a press conference on the steps of the State Capitol to announce introduction of HB 14-1154: The Community College Pay and Benefits Equity Act. Colorado Public Radio interviews many following the press conference, and a short story about the bill airs during the evening broadcast on local KCFR.link our page

January 2014

As part of an ambitious AAUP Colo. Conf. membership campaign, members Suzanne Hudson and Caprice Lawless set up membership tables at CCCS campuses in southeastern Colorado. Chapter members staff a membership table at the Community College of Denver faculty in-service. Don Eron and Suzanne Hudson staff a membership table at the FRCC Westminster campus faculty in-service. link

Dec. 12, 2013

Rep. Randy Fischer, AAUP Colo. Conf. Co-President Stephen Mumme, AAUP Colo. Conf. Exec. Cmte. Members Don Eron and Suzanne Hudson, FRCC AAUP Chapter President Caprice Lawless meet with a staff member of the Lt. Governor’s office and two CCHE representatives.

Nov. 15, 2013

Rep. Randy Fischer and Sen. John Kefalas links to their G.A. web pages bring together at the Capitol AAUP Colo. Conf. officials Stephen Mumme, Suzanne Hudson and Don Eron; coalition members from the Colorado 9 to 5 Working Women and AFT Colorado. AFT Colorado President Ellen Slatkin pledges AFT link to AFT Colo support and assigns staff to collaborate with the coalition to push the legislation forward.

October 2013

FRCC AAUP Chapter members staff a membership table as part of the national Campus Equity Week campaign. Link to chapter website photos of this event

October, 2013

Colo. Conf. AAUP members meet with Colo. Lt. Governor Joe Garcia and present him with the Conference Friend of Higher Education Award. During the meeting, FRCC Chapter President Caprice Lawless explains the Westminster campus chapter members are sponsoring weekly visits to area food banks to help contingent faculty. She gives to the Lt. Governor a copy of the letter describing the working situation for contingent faculty in the colleges, sent by campus faculty and supporters a year earlier to Gov. Hickenlooper. Link to AAUP Colo. conf. photo of this event

Sept. 25, 2013

Sen. Evie Hudak holds a meeting to discuss the situation with contingent faculty within the CCCS. In attendance are Rep. Randy Fischer, FRCC AAUP Chapter President Caprice Lawless, Metropolitan State University Faculty Member Norm Schultz, AAUP Colo. Conf. Exec. Cmte. Sec./Treasurer Suzanne Hudson, several members of the Capstone Group (Lobbyists for CCCS) including Moire Cullen and Jason Hopfer, representatives from Colorado State University, the School of Mines, and the University of Colorado. Rep. Fischer mentions the creation of the Equal Pay for Equal Work bill.

August, 2013

FRCC President Andy Dorsey (annual salary $161K) announces a tiered-pay system for contingent faculty. The increase ranges from $3 to $7 per week for the 75% of faculty who teach 85% of all courses within the FRCC system. The increase is not enough to bring the average annual salary of contingent faculty (annual salary approximately $18K) out of the poverty level in the four counties (Adams, Boulder, Larimer, Weld) served by the FRCC system.

June 7, 2013

Rep. Randy Fischer announces he will put forward legislation in the 2014 session to help Colorado’s Community College contingent faculty. The FRCC AAUP chapter sends a press release to all members of the House and Senate Education committees, to FRCC Pres. Andy Dorsey, to local media. There is no response from CCCS administration. There is no coverage of the announcement in local media.

Spring, 2013

After sending scores of press releases to legislators and organizing a Front Range Chapter of the AAUP, contingent faculty begin to get some responses from some legislators. Some suggest we try to work with our governing board, the State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education. Members of the AAUP FRCC chapter complete a formal request to be included on the May 2013 meeting agenda. The agenda request is denied by FRCC Pres. Andy Dorsey.

June 24, 2013

The FRCC AAUP Chapter plans and extensively promotes its first on-campus chapter meeting, a Q&A with Rep. Randy Fischer, AAUP Colo. Conf. Co-President Stephen Mumme, Exec. Cmte. Members Don Eron and Ray Hogler. The meeting is cancelled when someone calls a bomb threat into the campus an hour before the meeting is slated to begin.

April, 2013

FRCC contingent faculty form a multi-campus chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The press release is sent to local media, to FRCC Pres. Andy Dorsey and to FRCC Public Relations Officer John Feeley. No response is received from any FRCC official.

January, 2013

Contingent faculty at the FRCC campus, together with some of their community supporters who work in corporate finance, research the CCCS 2012 Financial Audit. They discover only 11% of the $579 million in CCCS revenues is allotted to wages for 4,012 contingent faculty. They distribute the findings in the “Colorado Adjuncts Index”link and distribute it to local media as well as to all members of the Colorado House and Senate Education Committees the index. It generates many return e-mails from legislators.

October, 2012

The Colorado Adjuncts group sends an Open Letter with 47 signatures to Colo. Governor John Hickenlooper. The Denver Post refuses to publish the Open Letter. (The letter remains unacknowledged.)

October, 2012

Contingent faculty at the FRCC campus distribute free flu-shot vouchers as part of the national Campus Equity Week campaign. Earlier that fall, all faculty and staff on campus were invited to the cafeteria for free flu shots – all except adjunct faculty. The chapter mounts a display of 12 books in the lobby of the College Hill Library on the issue of contingent faculty abuses in higher education. They also distribute themed bookmarks about CEW and the books across campus.

Spring, 2012

Contingent faculty at the FRCC Westminster campus begin to organize, calling themselves “Colorado Adjuncts” until they can gather enough members to form a chapter of the AAUP. At a Film Series link event in Boulder county, they invite Rep. Randy Fischer, AAUP Colo. Conference Exec. Cmte. Members Don Eron and Suzanne Hudson links to photos of you with Randy Fischer re: HB 1144 on the AAUP Colo. Conf. site to serve on a panel to discuss the issue of contingent labor in the Colorado’s community colleges. A notice about the Film Series is sent to FRCC Pres. Andy Dorsey. The group receives no response from the campus president.

Spring, 2012

In response to contingent faculty asking for a pay increase, FRCC President Andy Dorsey directs them to work with the state legislature, as his hands are tied (See Adjunct Network, link Spring 2012 issue).

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