Conflict of Interest Form (COI)

Visit and fill out the form. After you login, the website will tell you if you have completed the COI form for the year or not. This form needs to be completed every year. If the website tells you that you have already submitted the COI form for the year, then you do not need to do anything.

Below is what should be in the following boxes:

College: Arts & Sciences

Location: Columbus, OH

Employment Status: Student

Email: (This should be your STUDENT E-MAIL i.e. Buckeyemail/osu)

*** Note that recently, we have had students say that they are unable to enter in information into the boxes when they try to use this form. If you are unable to enter this information, but the website still lets the form be submitted, you can just submit the form. If the form is unable to be submitted at all, let the Lab Manager know