Contributor FAQ

What format should I use for the chapter?

Please follow the Book Manuscript Preparation Guidelines from Springer. We are standardizing on Latex (svmult.cls), based on the results of the poll.

How long should my chapter be?

Your chapter should be 16-18 pages, which by our calculations is about 6000 words.

How should I submit my completed chapter?

Upload it to the page for your chapter on this web site.

When is my chapter due?

The next important dates are:

Chapter Submission

Feedback to Authors

Revised Chapters

December 15, 2011

February 1, 2011

March 15, 2012

Can I review a chapter after it has been submitted?

Yes, please! We'll be asking everyone to review at least one other chapter. But you are welcome to provide feedback for any chapter using the comments at the bottom of the page.

What happens after I submit my revised chapter?

We will be taking all of the chapters that we have received and bundling them together into a complete book to be sent to Springer. At a later date, you will receive galleys for proofreading and copy editing.