香港城市大學研究生會(City University Post-graduate Association, 簡稱:CUPA)成立於1996年,至今已有21載。其間,各屆研究生執委同心協力,精益求精,不斷推進優質服務與豐富活動。
The CityU Postgraduate Association (CUPA) was established in 1996. CUPA has been running for 21 years. Every session of graduate students in CUPA works together, keeps improving, constantly promotes service quality and enriches activities.
CUPA is committed to providing a better academic as well as learning environment for graduate students and enhancing communication between university departments and graduate students. We divide our activities into four parts including (1) membership, (2)mentorship, (3) leadership, and (4) citizenship. We devote ourselves to build three bridges between "members and members”, "members and society”, as well as "members and alumni". We also set up the service system of "Traversing in Connection between Space and Time", which means (1)Postgraduate Freshmen, (2)CUPA Members, and (3) Graduated CUPA Members.
CUPA is committed to promoting outstanding members to become potential talents and pillars of society in Hong Kong, Mainland China and even all over the world. As an important platform for the development of graduates in the City University of Hong Kong, CUPA is not only committed to becoming the link between university and students but also promoting the comprehensive development of members.
會長 President
Hello everyone,I am WANG kai majoring in master of MSSAS in City University of Hong Kong. Now I am Elected Postgraduate Member on Council of CityU and President of CityU Postgraduate Association (CUPA). I'm keen to public welfare, always with an appreciate heart, try to achieve my dreams and then return for any people around me. All in all, I want to walk on my way with the humblest attitude and the most determined step. Thank you!
副會長 Vice-President
My name is HE, Yaqing, a year-one PhD student in the Department of Electronic Engineering at city university of Hong Kong. It is a honor and pleasure for me to win the election together with my colleagues and held the post of the Vice President in the cabinet. Humbly and carefully working, sincerely and enthusiastically approaching, together with my colleagues I will fully devote to serve our fellow CUPA members!
財長 Treasurer
Hello, I’m Eva. I majored in MSc Business Information System and now serving in CUPA as the Treasury. In the coming days, I will continue providing necessary help and seeking more benefits to all postgraduate students together with all the partners in the CUPA.
秘書長General Secretary Ⅰ
Hello everybody. I am LU, Zhenxiao, master of transition & linguistics in City University of Hong Kong. Now I am the General Secretary l of CityU Postgraduate Association (CUPA). Hope to work with all of you, run with the dream and follow our own heart.
季中旭 秘書長II General Sectary II
I am JI Zhongxu majoring in master of International Economic Law at City University of Hong Kong now. It is my honor and pleasure to serve for CUPA and held the post of the General Secretary in this cabinet. My belief is that “ looking up at the stars but keep your feet to the ground”. In the coming days, I would like to work with all of you to serve our members and students with the due diligence!
學術部長 Academic Leader
程俊業,男,香港城市大學物理與材料系博士,香港城市大學研究生會學術部部長兼創始人(Academic Development Leader),香港城市大學創新創業協會聯合創始人,香港山西同鄉會理事兼教育分會副會長;一直致力於學術發展與學術成果轉化,參與973、863,香港科技署,國家自然科學基金多項課題,目前已發表SCI學術論文17篇,以第一作者發表於國際TOP期刊Advanced Functional Materials (IF=11.8)關於一種新型電極材料製備的研究,該研究成果打破了國際上濕化學法改性碳納米管陣列時易破壞其定向排列結構的缺點,為超長、緻密碳納米管陣列的改性提供了新的思路,同時也受到了諮詢媒體X-MOL的報導。獲得多項國家發明專利,曾主持一項上海市創新基金專案,學術兼職:為Modern Physics Letters B, Journal of Nanomaterials, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 等期刊審稿人,社會兼職:曾擔任上市公司企業技術顧問,香港理工大學助理研究員。
My name is Cheng Junye, the Academic Development Leader of CUPA and also a PhD student in the Department of Physics and Material at CityU. I have always been living my college days with an academic pursuit. Up till now, I have published 17 papers in SCI journals and one paper as first author in the journal of Advanced Functional Materials with 11.8 impact factors. In addition, I have gained several national patents for invention, served as a reviewer for Modern Physics Letters B, Journal of Nanomaterials, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, etc.. Come Joining us and hopefully we could make CUPA and CityU better.
內務活動統籌部長 Internal Programme Leader
我是劉濤,城市大學材料科學與工程系二年級博士,現任研究生會內務部長和CUPA Reading Club讀書會負責人。勤勞善良、認真負責的我定會全心全意為研會貢獻出自己的一份力!
I am LIU Tao, a year-two PhD student from Department of Materials Science and Engineering in CityU and work as the Internal Programme Leader & CUPA Reading Club Leader. Hard-working, kind-hearted and responsible, I will make more contributions to CUPA.
外務活動統籌部長 External Programme Leader
譚雅兮 TAN Yaxi Tara:女,香港城市大學,2016級媒體與傳播學院文學碩士(整合營銷傳播),香港城市大學研究生會,外務部部長。 曾任職第13屆香港公開大學工商管理學會內務副主席以及香港特許工會會計師會 ACCA-國際學生大使。
I am Tara TAN, majoring in MA in Integrated Marketing Communications in CityU. Now I am serving as the Programme Leader in CUPA External. I take inspiration from everyone and everything, inspired by people dedicated to their dreams. I believe that a dream would never become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
文體部部長 Sport and Recreation Leader
我是李班,現於香港城市大學攻讀土木工程與建築碩士。很榮幸加入CUPA, 到不同的地方,看更好的風景,認識更多優秀的人,不斷充實自己,也希望和大家一起努力,更好的服務於全體會員!
I am Bryant majoring in Civil Engineering and Architecture in CityU. It is my greatest fortune to be a member of CUPA, and I always enjoy working toward the same goal as a part of this team, and I hope my endeavor can help build your unforgettable memories at CityU!
I am Lydia majored in Integrated Marketing Communication. It is honor and pleasure for me to become Career Development Leader in this excellent family named CUPA. I promise I will act- not only to hold more meaningful event, but to stay more pleasant memories.
宣傳部長 Publication Leader
Hey, I'm Sandra, the current Publication Leader of CUPA, majoring in Language Studies in CityU. Being able to join CUPA such a warm family was one of the most incredible experiences in my CityU life. I am looking to forward to growing up with CUPA for a better and brighter future in the forthcoming year, I will definitely spare no effort to do my job at CUPA. Thanks for your support!
- Organized more than 30 activities every year
- Success in Demand for Studentship Rate (for PhD and MPhil students) Increase in July 2013 and July 2011.
Activities Highlight
‘School’s Out’ TEDxHongKongED
CUPA afternoon tea – career sharing on media and communications
Joint U Party - Till the world ends Dec 2012
BARCLAYS LECTURE “Behavioral Finance 101” - 15th, Nov 2012
CUPA Career Talk – How to get your dream job
Orientation Night 7th Sep. 2012
Hiking Oct 6 2012
CUPA Boat Trip
“C9 League” Doctoral and Postgraduate Association Forum
CUPA takes part in Oxfam Trailwalker fund-raising hiking