EB Announcement

Dear all CUPA members,

Re. the announcement dated 13 March 2013, Election Board (EB) postponed the election for EXCO on 14-15 March 2013. EB sought advices from the Review Committee (RC) which is composed of one Honorary Member and three Honorary Advisors. A series of investigation and study were carried out. It is reported into two parts as follows:

I). RC was invited voluntarily to handle and study two formal complaints from two candidate cabinets:

1) On 9 March 2013, CUPA received a complaint from Candidate Cabinet 1 (CC1) against the formation of the Election Board and

2) On 13 March 2013, CUPA received a complaint from Candidate Cabinet 2 (CC2) against the posting of unlawful, threatening or defamatory messages causing damage to CC2.

With the delegation from ExCo, after reviewing the findings, RC gives the following comments:

1) According to the Constitution 6.1.3, the ExCo of each session shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the Annual Election within the specified period in accordance with the requirements in this Constitution and other relevant regulations for election of CUPA. It was found that the current EB was approved by ExCo. It included the CUPA President as Chairman plus three more current ExCo members who are not running for the election 2013-2014. According to the above evidence, the formation of EB was complied with the constitution. In conclusion, this complaint is NOT valid. The EB shall continue the duty.

2) The CC1’s poster contained messages, whatever, is only related to another party CUPA, not the CC2. Hence, obviously there is no direct / indirect damage to the fairness of the election or defamatory impact to any of candidates, including CC2. In conclusion, this complaint is NOT valid.

II). Afterward, EB received a complaint on 15 March 2013 from CC2 to CC1 with 9 items tabulated as follows:




“無敵神駒”is president of CC1“誠意”, Mr CHAU Sze-tat ( 仇思逹 )

Posted threatening messages. Violate Election Campaign Guidelines #1.

Besides, the article was inaccurate and full of errors. The complainant strongly denounced the inaccurate and misleading article, which is one of a series of several recent attacks. This false accusation affected the fairness of election.

Posted threatening messages. Violate Election Campaign Guidelines #1.

Damage the spirit of CUPA constitution and CUPA’s good name

Conducted canvassing activity in unauthorized area such as lecture theater. Violate Election Campaign Guidelines #2.

Setup banners and ignore warning from Election Board. Violate Election Campaign Guidelines #3.

The article was inaccurate and full of errors. The complainant strongly denounced the inaccurate and misleading article, which is one of a series of several recent attacks.

Damage the spirit of CUPA constitution and CUPA’s good name

Damage the spirit of CUPA constitution and CUPA’s good name

Complaint Details


What is the hotline of Apple Daily? I have to reveal the inside story of the CUPA election!

4/3/2013 3:21 PM


I am the representative of postgraduates.

5/3/2013 12:25 AM


I obtained the application form from the CUPA office on 25th February. At that night, the number of nominations was sufficient. Please note that those application forms could not be downloaded freely. Instead, they had to be obtained from the CUPA office as there was a number for each application form.






[極醜惡]城大研究生會公器私用 會費補貼船P旅遊哈囉喂

CUPA used the money improperly. CUPA organised a Halloween boat trip which was subsidised by the membership fees.

10/3/2013 5:03 AM


The syndicate led by Pang Yue and Wang Fei, please stop crucifying me, or I will continue to reveal the inside stories.

[記者請進] 城大研究生會突中止選舉 宣佈無限期擱置

[For reporters] Having stopped the election suddenly, CUPA decided to adjourn indefinitely.

14/3/2013 3:02


Fuxk, Pang Yue and Wang Fei should take full responsibility!

[極醜惡]城大研究生會公器私用 會費補貼船P旅遊哈囉喂

CUPA used the money improperly. CUPA organised a Halloween boat trip which was subsidised by the membership fees.

10/3/2013 7:50 PM


If I, as a Council member, did not deal with the problem of using the money of the organisation named under CityU, it would be a breach of duty!

10/3/2013 8:25 PM


I take full responsibility for what I have said. Anyone who thinks that what I have said constitutes defamation can sue me. That’s it.

13/3/2013 Lecture Theater 4 (evening Class)

13/3/2013 P4703 (evening class)



13/3/2013, 14/3/2013



5/3/2013 1:29 AM

現任研究生會成員WANG FEI曾經選過校董會….. 係投票之前的星期日,研究生會搞左個60人的蛇宴,係用會費資助,每位只係收80蚊。

Wang Fei, a current CUPA member, has taken part in the election of Council members……. On the Sunday immediately before the election day, CUPA held a feast for 60 people, which was subsidised by the membership fees. Each participant had to pay 80 dollars only.



What is the hotline of Apple Daily? I have to reveal the inside story of the CUPA election!

5/3/2013 1:10 PM


They admitted that it was financed by the membership fees of CUPA. Also, they said that it was okay to organise a feast before the election.


[極醜惡]城大研究生會公器私用 會費補貼船P旅遊哈囉喂

CUPA used the money improperly. CUPA organised a Halloween boat trip which was subsidised by the membership fees.

10/3/2013 1:43 PM


After considered evidences showing CC1 has conduct issue (item 5 and item 6) which is seriously and repeatedly violating the Election Campaign Guidelines, EB confirmed that item 5 and 6 are valid and obviously violate the Election Campaign Guidelines #2 and #3. There is direct and material damage to the fairness of the election. Hence, EB decided to disqualify CC1 for the Election of the CUPA Executive Committee 2013-2014.

Election Board 2013-2014

CityU Postgraduate Association (CUPA)

Election of CityU Postgraduate Association Executive Committee 2013-2014

Election Campaign Guidelines

1. Cabinets have the option to submit their promotional materials for the Election Board of CUPA to post on the notice boards of CUPA. Candidates are held responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the promotional materials. Any posting/transmission of unlawful, threatening or defamatory messages is strictly prohibited. The Election Board shall have the full right to investigate and take appropriate action.

2. Election related promotion activities, including distribution of promotional materials, such as leaflets and flyers, are allowed on campus, except in the To Yuen Building area, the AC1 & AC2 canteen areas, all lecture theaters and the 5TH and 6th floor of amenities building, including the areas immediately outside the registration, reception areas and designated area of the Polling station. Any campaigning or canvassing activities that may disturb or interrupt the proceedings of the Polling shall be forbidden. Cabinets are required to observe the Regulations Governing the Use of Designated Areas for Displays/Events of City University of HK.

3. Campaign activities involving oration and/or slogan chanting and/or use of amplifiers are not permitted; setting up of static promotional materials, such as roll-up banners are not allowed.