CUPA Election Campaign Guidelines

Election of CityU Postgraduate Association Executive Committee 2013-2014

Election Campaign Guidelines

1. Cabinets have the option to submit their promotional materials for the Election Board of CUPA to post on the notice boards of CUPA. Candidates are held responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the promotional materials. Any posting/transmission of unlawful, threatening or defamatory messages is strictly prohibited. The Election Board shall have the full right to investigate and take appropriate action.

2. Election related promotion activities, including distribution of promotional materials, such as leaflets and flyers, are allowed on campus, except in the To Yuen Building area, the AC1 & AC2 canteen areas, all lecture theaters and the 5TH and 6th floor of amenities building, including the areas immediately outside the registration, reception areas and designated area of the Polling station. Any campaigning or canvassing activities that may disturb or interrupt the proceedings of the Polling shall be forbidden. Cabinets are required to observe the Regulations Governing the Use of Designated Areas for Displays/Events of City University of HK.

3. Campaign activities involving oration and/or slogan chanting and/or use of amplifiers are not permitted; setting up of static promotional materials, such as roll-up banners are not allowed.


CHEN Xiaofeng

Chairman of CUPA Election Board 2013-2014