Election of the CUPA Executive Committee 2013-2014 (Status Update)

Dear all CUPA members,

Further to the email announcement on 13.3.2013 and 21.3.2013 , in accordance with the rules governing the Election of CUPA Executive Committee 2013-2014, an independent committee was appointed to review the complaint cases. Now the judgement on the first complain against the formation of Election Board has been made by the independent committee, the formation of Election Board was compiled with the Constitution.. The investigation on another complain against the posting of unlawful, threatening or defamatory message is in progress. We will announce the final result no later than 28 March 2013.

Members will be kept informed in due course.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact CUPA office.

CUPA Office

Tel: 3442 5662 Fax: 3442 0221

Email: cupaao@cityu.edu.hk

Website: www.cityupa.org