Community Links
Memphis Community Schools
34165 Bordman Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
Memphis Junior/Senior High School
34130 Bordman Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
34758 Pratt Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:15 p.m. at the Youth Center
For Hall rental information, contact Ed Zwiesele at (586)850-0928
Meets 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
34830 Potter St. Memphis, MI 48041
American Legion - Merrick Potter Post 566
34330 Bordman Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
For Scribner Hall rental information, contact Robert Montgomery at (586)996-0006 or Mary Beth Fluke at (586)291-7029
Memphis Cemetery
The Cemetery is privately owned. For any questions regarding the cemetery, contact Rodona Harper (586)295-3157 or Dan Hill (810)887-8213.
Area Churches
13447 Hunt Rd. Riley, MI 48041
First Baptist Church of Memphis
80575 Main St. Memphis, MI 48041
Lamb & First United Methodist Church
1209 Cove Rd. Wales, MI 48027 (Lamb)
81265 Church St. Memphis, MI 48041 (FUMC)
Holy Family Parish Catholic Church
79780 Main St. Memphis, MI 48041
34343 Bordman Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
775 Kinney Rd. Memphis, MI 48041
NEMCTV6 Local Cable Access
74500 Burke St. Armada, MI 48005
Provides local video coverage of City Council meetings, sporting events, and community happenings.
Videos can be found on the NEMC YouTube channel