Results for the 2023 Seasons can be found on Ohio MileSplit. Please copy and paste (into your favorite browser) the hotlink below:
Results are generally posted at the conclusion of the Meet by GHG Timing. CYO City Championship Meet Results from previous seasons (1921, 1971, 1992-1995, and 2002-2023) can be found in our Archives area.
All disputes must be reported to the Meet Director onsite. Inaccuracies that have scoring or award significance should be reported immediately. The Meet Director will work with GHG Timing to do whatever they can (within reasonable limits) to correct the situation.
For all other situations of non-scoring or non-award significance, a correction will be made if the correction can be easily validated.
For more details, please refer to the CYO Track Protest Form which can be found in the "Meet Director's Tool Box."