
The University of Nottingham Presents

The Perioidic Table of Videos

How Stuff Works.  Here's a link to the top chemistry applications.

The Khan Academy - Sometimes the lectures tend to wander and may not be on topic for most high school chemistry. 

In my opinion, the best sites for chemistry science instruction follow.  Step-by-step ease provided by DeWitt.  Crash Academy is also good for instruction.  Crash Course has a manic energy that makes science seem almost fun. 

 Tyler DeWitt

 A variety of resources, not just videos from NSF

 NBC/NSF creates videos describing common substances. 

Science Daily Chemistry Videos

Crash Chemistry Academy

Mr. Kent is a science teacher who has compiled a large number demonstrations for your pleasure.

 Discovery Education

View and download educational videos, songs, activities and more.  User name and password are required.

The Annenburg website produced The World of Chemistry, in 26 parts.  

From Wired Science:

Our friends from the UK present

 Chemistry Videos and Photographs

It is a site for chemistry teachers.  

At least it will not cost you anything.

Here's one that is fairly convenient. If you do not know what it is, perhaps tech isn't your thing.

Crash Course

TED Education (Search Chemistry)


Demonstration Videos

More fun and interest than educational