Science Supplies

So, you're setting up a lab.  If you are a high school teacher, your annual science budget for your classes doesn't allow for any purchases, but it is sort of neat to look at stuff and dream.  Here are some places you can browse their online offerings and wish that you could afford anything.  We'll be looking at low-cost labs in another section.

Carolina Scientific

Sargent Welch




This is sort of a fun purchase order.  Yep, Marge, just thinking

we could start one of those controlled nuke reactions for the science fair.

Of course I'm serious....

SKS Science



Edmund Scientific

Fisher Scientific

Ward's Scientific

If your company is listed here and you want to help out a poor struggling science room, get in touch with me with an email and you can arrange some sort of payola.  I'll take test tubes, chemicals, equipment, used equipment; I'm not choosy.