News to Discuss in class (Sites)

One technique to introduce current news stories to a class was presented by a teacher in the Inland Empire in Jurupa District.  Students who came to class would immediately have to copy down their homework assignment for that night.  It was on the board, and while he was taking roll, the students were expected to write down their assignment for the day.  After taking roll, he would then cover the assignment with a roll-down shade and ask the students if they wanted to discuss a story for the day.  If they were loud or not on task, no story.  To get the chemistry class "set" each day, he would choose a "science" article that he would discuss for the day.  Thus, this provided a "set" pattern to get students engaged in his class each day and allowed him to take attendance.  He would usually read an article from the newspaper as the science story.  The sites below provide plenty of stories if you want to share current science information with your students.

Need to have something fresh to discuss in your science class?  Well, me neither, but some of you go-getters like to keep the world updated on Next Generation Science at its Common Corriest. It might be a day where you've spent hours finding samples from nature for your science class so you've run out of time to find a discussion topic to start the class.  Whether your mind is fried from overwork, or just had a bad night's sleep, it doesn't matter.  Just look at one of the sites below and you're guaranteed* to find something both inspiring and topical.  Check them out!  (or don't).  

How confident are you when leading a discussion.  This link will bring you an article from: Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science.  It is an interesting article, but students might get hung up on the first five words.

Want a few minutes to get opinions in class?  A lot of pure garbage on here.  However, it does set up a discussion on what is the difference between an opinion and scientific facts. 

* There is no guarantee.