Latest and Greatest Papers

ust click on the picture and the journal article will be available.  If you have difficulty comprehending the content, go to Chemists' Quotes (mostly) on this site and review what Richard Feynmann says about research.  Nanotechnology: Notable Papers and AdvancesJ

Nanotechnology:  From the lab of Charles Lieber of Harvard University.

Puts together chemistry, biology and electronics all together.  The multidisciplinary nature of science and learning is displayed.

Papers that might lead to discussion topics...

Here something that might get a class discussion going....  it might not end up being a "classy" discussion.

You are what you eat.  Does eating spicy food have an effect on mortality?

Professor Omar M. Yaghi resides these days at the University of California, Berkeley (Go Bears!) where he figures out novel and useful ways to construct molecules that can do helpful things.  

Many people are doing research at home rather than in laboratories (Harvard Magazine, Feb 2014)

Paul A. Alivisatos, Professor at UC Berkeley

A very interesting review that considers one of the most dynamic populations on Earth.  

Going to the doctor?  Can you guess the third leading cause of death in the United States.  How about medical error?

To view more of his research, click link.  If it sounds incomprehensible, see Feynmann's quote on home page.

Publications from Alivisatos Lab

Joan F. Brennecke is a Professor at the University of Texas.  She recently relocated from Notre Dame.  (Is the mascot an Irish Longhorns?)  In any case, one aspect of her research concerns methods of carbon dioxide removal from industrial processes.

Worried about putting your hand in dog poop?  Well, maybe it was actually for the best.  Here's why.

 How about a bacterium that can eat polyethelene 

James R. Heath, Professor at the California Institute of Technology

David W. C. MacMillan, Professor at Princeton University.  Organic chemist.

Best Web Page Presentation.

Joke - organic chemists:  How do you tell an organic chemist?  Ans:  In the bathroom, they are one's who wash their hands before they pee.  

Evgeny Katz, Clarkson University.  A review paper from 2011.