The old and new

The old and new pages try to combine links to significant scientific papers from the past and magazines that describe chemistry today.

Latest and Greatest Papers   (This link create links to papers and labs from top chemists - (great research) and to odd things that students might find interesting (racy or gross).

The Old


Nature, Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids, 25 April 1953.  James Watson and Francis Crick 

E-Books and Magazines

Some resourses that are suggested by the American Chemical Society for high school students.

To get some perspective on what is going on in the

"real" world, Chemical Week is a good magazine.

This is Rosalind Franklin whose images of DNA helped Watson and Crick finally decipher the code.  

The British has a magazine that deals with issues in chemistry 

education.  Here it is...

Although we don't have time to do so, the scientific papers and the stories behind them remind us that science is a human enterprise.  

Scientific American

The following site has links to the biographies of scientists

 The following link leads to classic chemistry papers that can be examined.               

Click on the photo of Thompson and Rutherford below to get there...

Popular Science

A click on the photo of the Curie lab will take one to a page where biographies of chemists can be accessed.  The links lead to the the site run by organization that gives out Nobel Prizes.