Lower School P.E. Reminders

Miss B and Miss Hollenbeck's 



- Sneakers are REQUIRED in Physical Education. For safety reasons  children WILL NOT be able to participate if they come to class without sneakers. If a child does not wear sneakers to class more than (3) times a note will be sent home. Several classroom teachers seem to be OK with children leaving a pair of sneakers in their cubby in the classroom. 

- It is important to make sure that all children are dressed for activity on PE days. Therefore we would recommend comfortable clothing that will allow a child to move freely. Clothing should not be a safety hazard nor a distraction to the students in the class. For girls, wearing pants and socks is recommended rather than dresses or tights on PE days. 

- If a child is recovering from an injury, illness, and limited participation is suggested  please send in note explaining the reason to either Mr. Ramalho or Miss Pappas For injuries or restrictions that last longer than one week or two class periods, a doctor's note is expected. All children are expected to participate and be actively engaged in activities. 

-Although winter is around the corner, the PE staff asks students NOT to bring sweatshirts, or jackets to the gym. Reason being, is students tend to forget the jackets and they become misplaced. Please leave the jackets in the classrooms.