
Any CFUW club in BC can write and propose a provincial or national resolution. All proposed resolutions are sent out to CFUW clubs for review, feedback and suggested amendments.  Once finalized, all proposed resolutions are voted on by CFUW clubs before they can be adopted as either a CFUW provincial or national policy. CFUW prioritizes advocacy on adopted policy resolutions.

Latest News

Clubs MAY REspond to 9 Draft CFUW National resolutions By April 24, 2024 (9 am PT).

CFUW Clubs and Committees are encouraged to discuss, consider, and debate the Proposed Resolutions. If you wish, you may submit amendments to the Resolved Clauses. 

Resolution 1 & 2: CFUW Advocacy Standing Committee / Comité de défense des intérêts de la FCFDU

Resolution 3 & 4: CFUW Advocacy Standing Committee / Comité de défense des intérêts de la FCFDU

Resolution 5 – CFUW North Delta / Surrey

Resolution 6 – CFUW Georgetown

Resolution 7 – CFUW Nanaimo

Resolution 8 & 9 – CFUW Advocacy Standing Committee / Comité de défense des intérêts de la FCFDU

Amendment FORM

New CFUW National policy resolutions Voted on at CFUW's National AGM: July 7-9, 2023.

 CFUW National received 6 proposed resolutions for the 2022-2023 year. These were posted on CFUW's members-only web area  (ask your club or CFUW National for a password if you've forgotten it).  CFUW Clubs could submit proposed amendments by April 24, 2023. CFUW National hosted a workshop May 30, 2023 so authoring clubs could discuss revisions based on proposed amendments. 

These resolutions were voted on and adopted as 2023 CFUW National Policy:


Not adopted = Fair treatment for Canadians suffering from chronic Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases – CFUW Perth and District 

FORM: clubs use the Amendment Form (Appendix D of the Resolutions Information & Guidelines Document) to submit amendments to CFUW National by April 24, 2023.

3 proposed BC policy resolutions Were ADOPTED at BC COuncil's AGM on May 6, 2023.

All BC Clubs had until March 17, 2023 to review and submit amendments to the proposed resolutions. The 3 proposing clubs then reviewed your amendments and made revisions. BC Council sent revised resolutions back out to clubs in late April 2023. At our May 6, 2023 AGM, BC clubs voted to adopt all 3 resolutions as CFUW BC policy. 

FORM: BC clubs use this BC Club Review Guidelines and Amendments Form to submit amendments by March 17, 2023.

Clubs must follow the BC Council Timelines/Process 2022-2023.

Older News

2022 August - CFUW's 6 proposed national policy resolutions were adopted at CFUW's national policy session on August 28, 2022. 

2021 March - CFUW had 4 proposed national policy resolutions.

2020 Summer - CFUW's 8 national policies and template letters.

Please use this information to do lobby your elected officials: 

Please review the "Who Does What?" guidelines to better understand target audiences for advocacy initiatives.  

This information is also available on: CFUW Member Site under Take Action > Advocacy.