Fall 2019 Meeting

Join us!

Reception of Classics: Robots, Rap, Prisons, and Socrates

CCA South Fall Meeting

University of California Irvine

November 2, 2019

9:00am – 1:30pm

Breakfast and Light Lunch provided.

Our deep appreciation to our hosts,

the UCI Department of Classics

NEW !! See a Video Interview of Armand! See a Video Interview with Andy!

Download program flier

The CCA Fall Meeting program will feature these presenters, and more:

Adrienne Mayor, Department of Classics, Stanford University. She will be speaking on topics from her recent book Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology.

Armand D’Angour, Department of Classics, Oxford. He will be presenting in video conference “Does Socrates the man help us understand Socrates the philosopher?” including topics arising from his latest book Socrates in Love: The Making of a Philosopher.

Andy West, The Philosophy Foundation, London. He will be sharing from his recent experiences “What I learned about the Classics, teaching philosophy in prisons.”

Brandon Bourgeois, Department of Classics, University of Southern California. He will speak about and perform work from his innovative “Hype4Homer Project,” which translates ancient Greek poetry into hip hop performance pieces.

Spotlights on Mentoring:

We are pleased to announce our first mentoring presenter. Olga Faccani, UC Santa Barbara, will be sharing about her experiences with The Odyssey Project which centers on helping youth through a collaborative theater process.

Future Mentoring Spotlights: Would you like to share an idea at a future meeting?

The CCA would like to offer a time at our meetings in which teachers could share information about a classroom project or activity they have done which relates to topics within our theme.

Each might share for perhaps 5-10 minutes; just indicate to us the length of time you need and choice of Fall or Spring Meeting.

Please send a brief description to this email: katie.robinson2@cox.net

Register soon BELOW ** to reserve your space! Consider becoming a member, too!

Directions to parking and meeting room, Humanities Gateway 1010, will be emailed before the event,

or access it here.

Contact us with questions: californiaclassicalassociation@gmail.com


The CCA South welcomes a broad range of scholarly perspectives pertaining to the origin, the significance,

and the reception of Latin, Greek, and Greco-Roman civilization in various genres and in material culture.

We also seek to share various methods of engaging students at all levels in active learning and reflective activities.


2) Please complete and SUBMIT the Registration and Membership Google form.