Fall 2023 Program
CCA South Announces A Fall Virtual Conference
SATURDAY DECEMBER 2nd from 9:30-11:30am
New Work, New Perspectives
Inspire, Guide, and Inform Your Teaching!
Stephanie McCarter will be speaking to us from the University of the South in Tennessee on ‘Translating Ovid’s Metamorphoses.’ “I will elucidate my strategies and goals for completing my new translation of the Ovid’s Metamorphoses, illustrating how I strove for accuracy, both in conveying Ovidian poetics and in rendering the epic’s many scenes of sexual violence. Throughout, I will make the case that more Classicists need to take up literary translation.”
Dr. Stephanie McCarter is a Professor of Classics at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN. She has published translations of Horace’s Epodes, Odes, and Carmen Saeculare (Oklahoma, 2020), as well as Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Penguin Classics, 2020), the latter of which won the 2023 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets.
*Please note: We normally encourage student attendance, but due to some of the examples from Ovid's poetry, K-12 students should not view the first presentation content. We invite K-12 students to join the program for the next two presentations:
Greg Woolf will be speaking to us from the University of California Los Angeles, based on his recent research on ‘Migration and Mobility in the Roman World.’
“Perhaps 100 million people lived in the Roman Empire in the second century CE but most inhabited very small worlds by modern standards. Using ancient texts, maritime archaeology and archaeological science I will explore the questions of how many moved around? Who were they? And how did the Roman Empire deal with mass migration?”
Dr. Greg Woolf has been the Ronald Mellor Distinguished Professor of Ancient History at UCLA since 2021. He was born and educated in the UK and then worked for many years in Scotland where he still spends part of each year. His latest books are The Life and Death of Ancient Cities and Rome. An Empire’s Story. Right now he is working on books on seasonality and on migration, the subject of this talk. He is a contributing author for Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire (Brill, 2016).
The Partial Historians, Fiona Radford and Peta Greenfield, will be joining us from Australia and reflecting on the content of their new book, Rex, in a talk titled ‘The Underrated Kings of Ancient Rome.’ “Before the republic, Rome was ruled by kings. But some kings are more infamous than others. In this presentation, we'll consider the underrated monarchs, consider what makes them so unmemorable and whether their lack of reputation is warranted.
Dr. Fiona Radford and Dr. Peta Greenfield have worked together for over a decade as The Partial Historians, an Australian podcast. In their podcasts, they explore the intricacies of ancient Rome with the main series tracing the history of Rome from the founding of the city. They also interview experts from across the globe on ancient history. In 2023 they published their first book together, Rex: The Seven Kings of Rome.
Our thanks to Classics professors at UC Irvine for being our virtual hosts!
And to our President, Bettina Joy De Guzman, for arranging the program!
Instructions for registration will be coming soon!
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