The CCA South welcomes a broad range of scholarly perspectives
pertaining to the origin, the significance, and the reception
of Roman, Greek, and related Ancient Mediterranean civilizations
in various genres and in material culture.
We also seek to share various methods of engaging diverse students at all levels
in active learning and reflective activities. We strive to support equal access
to language learning and opportunities for recognition and advancement within the field.
Reminder: Now's a good time to renew your membership!
Or consider making a donation.
Please look here in the future for news of our Spring Program
Thank you
to those attending and supporting our OCTOBER 19th
in-person Fall Conference!
California State University at Long Beach Departments of Classics, History and Comparative World Literature
and California Classical Association - South
proudly presented:
“The Ecology of Roman Urbanism”
“From Heroes to Saints: Reading Visual and Literary Catalogues”
“Digitizing Ancient and Modern Refugees:
Classics and Community Engaged Scholarship in the Classroom”
Teaching resources are on the Recent Programs page.
Are you sponsoring events in the field of Ancient Studies, Greek or Latin? We can spread the word below in NEWS.
Is your institution looking for a Latin teacher? Let CCA know. We know of two great candidates now and love to be able to connect people with good jobs.
Notice 2/12
NEW - Full Time Latin.
Check out this detailed ad: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Orange-County-Classical-Academy/jobs Orange County Classical Academy listing for a full time Upper School Latin teacher. OCCA is WASCC accredited K--12 public charter school with a classical curriculum. BA + Single Subject Credential. Salary, benefits, etc.
Notice 7/30:
Adam Shepherd has posted an in-person Latin middle school position with 4 classes. Southern California, Los Angeles. Reply directly to Adam Shepherd. More information is here.
Notice 6/24:
Temecula Preparatory School is currently looking to hire a full-time Latin teacher for our high school students. If you know of anyone in the Latin speaking community or students graduating from your Classics Department who you think would be interested, please pass this along. Here's a link to the job description. We offer guidance and support to anyone currently without a public school teaching credential. Temecula Preparatory School is an award winning, public charter school serving over 1,000 students in grades K-12 in the city of Temecula, California. We offer a rigorous, classical education curriculum that requires a minimum of 1-year of Latin for graduation. Contact Dr. Agostini: magostini@temeculaprep.com.
Notice 4/24:
Orange County Latin Position. Dr. Ben Roberson, Principal at Pacifica Christian High School in Orange County, is looking for a full-time Latin teacher (application link) to start in the fall of the 2024-2025 school year. The applicant does not need a teaching credential, but they do need to have a passion and aptitude for teaching Latin, an ability to connect with high school students, and be committed to the Christian faith. (The school program is involved with CAJCL.) (949) 887-2070 | Pacificaoc.org
LMU Classics & Archeology, History, and Sociology are hosting Kin and Clan in Roman Antiquity; New Perspectives on the Roman Family on Feb 28 and March 1. Download and view the flier for details or contact Jordan Christopher. Speakers from multiple US universities and Germany.
The International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office at the U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the opening of the competition for the fiscal year 2025 Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) program. Competition now open for 20+ grants! Deadline to apply: Jan. 21, 2025. The program provides grants to institutions and private, nonprofit education entities that organize programs for K-12 teachers, college students, and faculty to engage in short- or long-term overseas projects focused on training, research, and curriculum development in modern foreign languages and area studies. GPA short-term projects include seminars, curriculum development, and group research or study. GPA long-term projects support advanced intensive overseas programs that focus on languages, the humanities, or social sciences. Website newsletter.
American Academy in Rome reminds everyone that it has opened applications and information on its summer 2025 programs. See the details HERE. Deadline is December 20. Scholarships are available. These are life-changing experiences!
ASCSA has 4 positions open for Directors, Media, Event Manager!
ASCSA is open for applications for 2025! Check for deadlines! Please check Academic Year Program. All prospective applicants to the Academic Year Program for 2025/2026 are welcome. Orientations are online during the fall and they encourage you to explore the website of the ASCSA.
SCS Awards for Excellence in K-12 Teaching: The Society for Classical Studies invites nominations and self-nominations for the Awards for Excellence in K-12 Teaching. The prize is $500, plus a free trip to the venue of choice (SCS, ACL, or CAC) to receive the award, and $200 for the winner's institution to use for resources. SCS gives this award to MORE THAN ONE person. So please apply, nominate a deserving teacher, or spread the word. Here is the link to the REVISED (easier) system for the process. SCS Awards for Excellence in Teaching at the K-12 Level Thanks to a very generous gift to the Society's Gatekeeper to Gateway Campaign for the Future of Classics from Daniel and Joanna Rose, the amounts to be awarded have been increased substantially.
Federal Grant Deadlines Approaching:
The International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office of the U.S. Department of Education is now accepting applications for the following : Fulbright-Hays and Title VI grant and fellowship competitions.
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowships
The application is now available: G6 system.Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad (FRA) Fellowships
The application is now available: G6 system.Title VI American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) ProgramThe application is now available at Grants.gov.
Does your district have a JROTC or military-related connection? The DoDEA reminds language program admin to apply for program expansion grants. These WLARA grants were spearheaded by the JNCL-NCLIS at which the National Committee for Latin and Greek holds a legacy board member role.
75% of grants go to strategic languages but 25% can cover any language in the district! ($500K - 2M)
The World Language Advancement and Readiness Act Grants Program (WLARP) is now accepting applications for FY25! The deadline to apply is March. This program defines an essential pathway for the growth of learning opportunities that empower students to become multilingual, globally prepared citizens. APPLY NOW! https://grants.gov/search-results-detail/351849. Two CA districts have earned awards in 2021-2022! More information will be available at https://dodeagrants.org.
With the support of many organizations like CCA South, the National Committee for Latin and Greek has advocated for Greek and Latin programs for over 40 years and we are proud to be part of the advocacy that led to a new federal grant program. This one is for school districts that have a JROTC program or a connection to military bases or families. (We are currently working on a equivalent grant program for any public system, called World LEAP!) In its third year, the WLARA, World Language Advancement and Readiness Grants Program, is now accepting applications for FY25! The deadline to apply is April 7, 2023. This program supports the growth of learning opportunities that empower more students to become multilingual, globally prepared citizens. Your dedication and advocacy efforts over the past several years helped make this program a reality and continue its prioritization for funding!
Here is a pre-recorded technical assistance webinar provided by the Department of Defense Education Activity. The DoDEA seeks innovative proposals for the establishment, improvement, or expansion of world language programs targeting elementary and secondary students in order to enable successful students, as they advance from elementary school through secondary school, to achieve an advanced level of proficiency in those languages. Individual grant award will be a minimum of $500,000.00 and with a maximum of $2,000,000, for a period of up to five (5) years. Strategic languages have priority but programs can include any world language! APPLY NOW
The US Department of Education announces: Apply now to the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowship program! .Application deadline: March. The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) fellowship program provides opportunities for doctoral candidates to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. The program is designed to deepen research knowledge and increase the study of modern foreign languages, cultural engagement, and area studies not generally included in U.S. curricula.
ASCSA Announces NUMEROUS Fellowship and Scholarship opportunities for the coming year, some especially for underrepresented applicants.